Final Cut Pro X v.10.1 is a major new update from Apple. So, wewent back to the drawing board and totally redesigned all our videotraining. All new movies with all new training. More focused. Morecomplete. Yet, with our trademark conversational approach, in-depthcoverage and sense of humo...
360° video and apply blurs, glows, and other 360° effects. Or create more advanced 360° motion graphics in Motion, then add them directly to your Final Cut Pro project. You can even add 360° video to standard projects, using the Tiny Planet effect to create spherical looks and ...
FilmConvertPro2.fxplug (v2 plugin) /Library/Application Support/Final Cut Pro/Templates.localized/Effects.localized/Film Emulation FilmConvert Pro (v1 plugin) FilmConvertPro2 (v2 plugin) If you are deleting all FilmConvert plugins and the Stand-Alone application, you will also need to delete: ...
本次的 Final Cut Pro 插件合集一键安装包,全面兼容苹果M1/M2/M3系列芯片+Intel芯片设备,提供更多的中文汉化插件,并支持最新的FCPX软件。包含了我们常用的特效、转场、文字标题、片头片尾、分屏效果等多款插件,共计效果数千种。其中插件包含我们常用且熟悉的 红巨人调色Magic Bullet、红巨人宇宙套装Universe、视觉特效...
在Final Cut Pro X中使用Motion模板可以极大地提升生产力,让你在短时间内制作出高质量的视频效果。以下是一些步骤和技巧,帮助你更好地利用Motion模板:1. 创建和导入Motion模板 在Motion中创建模板:打开Motion,选择适合的模板类型,如Final Cut Title、Final Cut Generator、Final Cut Effect或Final Cut Transition...
Camera Frame Transitions for Final Cut Pro This Final Cut Pro transition features a cool freeze-frame effect that makes it look like a camera capturing a photo. This is a great transition you can use in photography-related videos as well as for fashion, wedding, and other slideshows. Final...
在我们用 Final Cut Pro 做视频后期制作时,如果想做出好的效果,我们总是离不开那些功能强大的插件,它们不仅能大大的提高我们工作效率,还能使整个视频更加精美,所以今天废鱼就推荐几款比好用的插件给大家。 Fi…
兼容:Final Cut Pro X MOTION 5 提供下载,付款时备注QQ邮箱,以便接收软件cineLook 可以调节如下效果: 轻易模仿电影胶片效果“S”曲线调整模拟35毫米胶片效果基本的降噪功能(咨询特价):1 遮幅添加自定义暗角景深调节原图效果图mitate the Color and Look of Film ...
Final Cut Pro is a professional video editing tool with a complex interface, and it's unavailable for Windows. It also requires extra apps like After Effects and doesn’t include sound effect samples or searchability in the import dialog. PowerDirector Essential is the best free alternative to...
How to Create a Vignette Effect in Final Cut Pro X? There’s nothing complicated about the process of creating a vignette in FCPX or any other popular video editing app. In this article we are going to show you a few different methods of adding vignette ...