The.gitignorefile is not related to pushing. Its purpose is to assistgit statusandgit addin determining which files may potentially be included in a future commit. Any ignored items can be added using thegit addcommand, but the-foption must be used to avoid errors. The following paths are ...
要把android库代码持续集成,需要放到docker里编译, 但是‘gradlew’默认没有被添加。 手动添加时, 提示 “The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files.” 但是项目目录下明明没有对应规则。 这时使用命令“git check-ignore -v gradlew”测试是哪个gitignore文件导致。 比如我的测试结果: 代...
git中多人开发, The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:xx文件 。但到没有.gitignore 或找到gitignore发现没有对应的忽略项。NOTE:.gitignore是隐藏文件,如何展示,可以参照之前我写的 显示隐藏文件 。上述意思说,这个文件被加入到忽略文件。如何需要加入版本控制,则需要...
Description Global .gitignore files are being ignored by GitHub Desktop causing the ignored files to still appear in the Changes tab. Version GitHub Desktop: 1.5.1 Operating system: Windows 10 Home, 1809 (build 17763.195) Steps to Reprod...
对于untracked file, 可以使用.gitignore对于已经checked in file,可以使用git update-index #隐藏 git update-index --assume-unchanged xxxxxxxx #放开 git update-index --no-as
There is no explicit git ignore command: instead the.gitignorefile must be edited and committed by hand when you have new files that you wish to ignore..gitignorefiles contain patterns that are matched against file names in your repository to determine whether or not they should be ignored. ...
Version 0.4.2 Description --gitignore reads the contents of .gitignore files and skip the matches when recursing. However, there are some files "ignored by default" by git which are not in the .gitignore files. The main example being the...
cat refs/heads/master | xargs git cat-file -t commit 1. 2. (1)git add:添加至暂存区,但并未提交至服务器。git add . 是表示把当前目录下的所有更新添加至暂存区。有时在终端操作这个会提示: warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF in GeneSmartStay/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml.The file will...
"not versioned files" 是 Git 中的一种错误消息,通常出现在提交时。这个错误消息意味着 Git 在提交时发现了一些未被版本控制的文件。 这种情况可能出现在以下几种情况下: 1. 新建文件:如果您创建了新的文件,但尚未将其添加到 Git 的跟踪列表中,Git 将无法对其进行版本控制,从而产生 "not versioned files" 错...
git中多人开发,The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:xx文件。但到没有.gitignore 或找到gitignore发现没有对应的忽略项。 NOTE:.gitignore是隐藏文件,如何展示,可以参照之前我写的显示隐藏文件。 问题描述 上述意思说,这个文件被加入到忽略文件。如何需要加入版本控制,则需要额外处理...