即可实现。 但是我这样做了以后却发现sourceTree中仍然会列出Library中的文件。 最后在这个帖子中找到答案:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24410208/gitignore-does-not-ignore-folder 打开sourceTree的命令行窗口,在其中输入 git rm -r --cached Library 即可。
Gitignore是一个Git的配置文件,用于指定哪些文件或文件夹应该被Git忽略,不进行版本控制。当我们在开发中使用Git进行版本管理时,有些文件或文件夹是不需要纳入版本控制的,比如编译生成的临时文件、依赖库文件、日志文件等。 对于Gitignore不会忽略文件夹android和react native这个问题,我们可以这样回答: Gitignore是一个...
# Folder config file Desktop.ini # Recycle Bin used on file shares $RECYCLE.BIN/ # Mac crap .DS_Store # VisualStudioCode .vscode .vs .gitignore规则不生效 一、gitignore只能忽略那些原来没有被追踪(tracked)的文件,如果某些文件已经被纳入了版本管理中,则修改.gitignore是无效的。 解决方法就是先把...
The pattern hello.* matches any file or folder whose name begins with hello. If one wants to restrict this only to the directory and not in its subdirectories, one can prepend the pattern with a slash, i.e. /hello.*; the pattern now matches hello.txt, hello.c but not a/hello.java...
The patternfoo/*, matchesfoo/test.json(a regular file),foo/bar(a directory), but it does not matchfoo/bar/hello.c(a regular file), as the asterisk in the pattern does not matchbar/hello.cwhich has a slash in it. $ git status [...] # Untracked files: [...] # Documentation/fo...
Folder structure We support a collection of templates, organized in this way: the root folder contains templates in common use, to help people get started with popular programming languages and technologies. These define a meaningful set of rules to help get started, and ensure you are not commi...
这篇文章介绍了Git配置.gitignore文件忽略被指定文件上传的方法,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值 在项目的根目录下建立一个.gitignore的文件(和.git文件同级) .gitignore文件用记事本打开,输入如下…
the root folder contains templates in common use, to help people get started with popular programming languages and technologies. These define a meaningful set of rules to help get started, and ensure you are not committing unimportant files into your repository ...
1、打开终端cd到本地仓库,和.git同层(查看隐藏文件) 2、创建.gitignore文件 3、键入 "i",看到下面这个,进入编辑模式 4、把下面的这些复制进去 5、键入...
git 无法ignore .idea 原因 通过.gitignore忽略相关文件的前提是git repository 上没有跟踪相关的文件,如果repository上已经跟踪...