Tcl uses the open command to open files in Tcl. The syntax for opening a file is as follows − open fileName accessMode Here,filenameis string literal, which you will use to name your file andaccessModecan have one of the following values − ...
The above command makes the shell run the script named configure which exists in the current directory. The configure script basically consists of many lines which are used to check some details about the machine on which the software is going to be installed. This script checks for lots of d...
I insert a verilog file into another verilog file by using "`include " And when I used the synplify script(*.tcl) to try to synthesize, one error occured: invalid command name "+incdir+<...>" It seems like I have to use the command "+incdir+" according to online documents, but ...
Writing multiple lines to a file in TCL, a Open the file for writing only. If the file does not exist, create a new empty file. Set the file pointer to the end of the file prior to each write. a+ Open the file for reading and writing. If the file does not exist, create a new...
We accept submissions for new libraries and corrections if information for a library below is wrong. Consider either opening a Pull Request, a new Issue or drop a message in our discord channel: server is meant to be a pleasant space to chat about C, C++, ...
-o -name '*.in' \ -o -name '*.gif' \ -o -name '*.txt' \ -o -name '*.xml' \ -o -name '*.xbm' \ -o -name '*.xpm' \ -o -name '*.uue' \ -o -name '*.decTest' \ -o -name '*.tmCommand' \ -o -name '*.tmSnippet' \ -o -name 'Setup' ...
There's no respective tcl command for that specific import. Thanks, Regards, Sheng Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply MLars19 Beginner 11-11-2024 12:11 AM 444 Views OK, that's to bad. Is there a solution or work around to fix this problem? How is this information stored for...
Then I try to write command in .sdc file: create_generated_clock -name clk_160ns -source [get_ports {clk}] -divide_by 4 [get_nets a|clk_160ns] But after I use TimeQuest, it still can not find this clock, anybody can help me to edit the tcl co...
The project is stored in a path with more than 80 characters. If you experience issues with IP, Block Designs, or files not being found, please consider moving the project to a location with a shorter path. Alternately consider using the OS subst command to map part of the path to...
Here's a section of the man page for Tcl's open command: r Open the file for reading only; the file must already exist. This is the default value if access is not specified. r+ Open the file for both reading and writing; the file must already exist. w Open the file for writing ...