Killer toxin-like chitinases in filamentous fungi: Structure, regulation and potential roles in fungal biologyC-groupChitinasesKiller toxinLysM domainMycoparasitismFungal chitinases are hydrolytic enzymes responsible for degradation of chitin. Chitinases are involved in several aspects of fungal biology, ...
(Cole, 1996). The single unit of a filamentous fungal structure is the hypha, and a collection of hyphae form a mycelium. Filamentous fungi comprise zygomycetes, basidiomycetes, and ascomycetes (Soanes et al., 2008). There are several industrially important filamentous fungi such asAspergillus,...
a fungus that produces characteristic deposits, also known as molds, on food products, fruit, plant remains, wallpaper, leather, and other objects. Molds belong to various taxo-nomic groups: Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, and Fungi Imperfecti. ...
Fungi are an important source of terpenoids, but many of the corresponding biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) are silent in laboratory conditions. Strategies such as homologous activation and heterologous expression were usually used to active a single cluster, making them low efficiency. Here we ...
The application of immunocytochemical and immunobiochemical research methods to fungi has showed that microtubules and microfilaments are common structural components in the hyphae. In eukaryotic organisms other than fungi, microtubules and microfilaments are known to be involved in a variety of motile in...
d.A long thin cellular structure characteristic of many fungi, usually having multiple nuclei and often divided by septa. e.Any of various long thin celestial objects or phenomena, such as a solar filament. [New Latinfīlāmentum, from Late Latinfīlāre,to spin, from Latinfīlum,thread; seeg...
The structure of the fungal cell wall is highly dynamic, and the cell wall varies during the cell division and growth of fungi, as well as in spore germination, hyphal branching and formation of the diaphragm. The cell wall components are also different in different fungal species, therefore,...
and characterized in both fungi and plants. The Hap2/3/5 complex participates in the regulation of cellulase expression inT. reeseialong with other regulators like Xyr1 and Ace2 [38,76]. Interestingly, the Hap complex ofA. nidulanshelps in the formation of an open chromatin structure near ...
The concentration of F-actin in the core of the vesicle supply centre (the Spitzenkörper) within the tips of growing vegetative hyphae may represent a fourth type of higher-order structure, found in filamentous fungi but absent from S. cerevisiae. The precise roles of the Spitzenkörper rem...
Mitochondrial plasmids are common in natural isolates of fungi. Strains can contain mixtures of linear and circular types. Some plasmid families show widespread distribution, across different species and genera. Linear plasmids generally have genes for presumptive DNA and RNA polymerases. Circular plasmids...