c.3321delA MutationFilaggrin GeneGenotype-phenotype CorrelationUnlabeled Probe High Resolution Melting AnalysisINTRODUCTION Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disorder that is characterized by dry skin and disturbed skin barrier functions.Mutations in the filaggrin (FLG) gene,the ...
Simpson, Colin RSheikh, AzizPrimary Care Respiratory JournalSimpson CR, Sheikh A. The filaggrin gene mutation, atopic dermatitis and asthma. Prim Care Resp J 2007;16:322-4↵ Simpson CR, Sheikh A. The filaggrin gene mutation, atopic dermatitis and asthma. Prim Care Respir J 2007 ; 16 : ...
GENETIC mutationThe World Allergy Organization recommends probiotics in the prevention of atopic dermatitis in high-risk populations. Mutations in the filaggrin gene (FLG) result in an increased risk of atopic dermatitis through disruption of the skin keratin layer. This explorator...
Key words Filaggrin gene; gene mutation; Filaggrin; atopic dermatitis; ichthyosis vulgaris1 前言Filaggrin基因, 简称FLG基因, 主要表达于皮肤颗粒层, 其翻译表达的聚角蛋白微丝蛋白前体(Pro-filaggrin)经降解为聚角蛋白微丝蛋白(Filaggrin), 后者位于皮肤角质层, 构成皮肤的保护屏障, 发挥防御功能。若FLG基因突变...
filaggrin gene mutationhand eczemaoccupational contact urticariaprotein contact dermatitisNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/cod.12031Kaae, JeanetteMenné, TorkilThyssen, Jacob P.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Contact DermatitisKaae J, Menne T, Thyssen JP. Severe occupational protein contact...
Given that approximately 50% of moderate-to-severe AD patients may be carriers of an FLG-null mutation, it has been speculated that FLG status may define a subtype of barrier-related AD. Since polymorphisms in the FLG gene lead to reduced amount of filaggrin and consequently to a decreased ...
A homozygous frameshift mutation in the mouse Flg gene facilitates enhanced percutaneous allergen priming Nat Genet, 41 (2009), pp. 602-608 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Fleckman et al., 1987 P. Fleckman, K.A. Holbrook, B.A. Dale, et al. Keratinocytes cultured from subjects with ...
Define filaggrin. filaggrin synonyms, filaggrin pronunciation, filaggrin translation, English dictionary definition of filaggrin. n a protein found in skin cells Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins
However, X-linked thrombocytopenia patients, carrying a different mutation in WASp, tend to present with milder or no dermatitis66. WASp and related proteins act as important actin reorganization and polymerization activators67; it has been previously proposed that the mutation in the WAS gene could...
filaggrin loss-of-function mutation; genotype; irritant contact eczema; phenotype Background. Loss-of-function mutations in the filaggrin gene (FLG) have been reported to be associated with specific phenotypic characteristics such as hyperlinearity and keratosis pilaris. Objectives. To study phenotypic ...