in cognitive writing – and there is – it involves a leaning also to a self- conscious poeticity. linguistic-textual cousinhood, only to have its ancestry smothered at birth in its rebaptism as DanielDennett cheekily suggests there's a meme for Moby Dick (Consciousness Explained 203Richard ...
The crypto market’s greatest benefit is that it allows investors to purchase assets at any time of the day. However, most experienced investors prefer to buy and sell digital currencies when the New York Stock Exchange is open. However, if you aren’t interested in trading other kinds of d...
1) If we're not connected then feel free to reach out and connect. 2) I've decided to post a meme a day with favourite business quotes or thoughts. I like that it will be an image and that I won't have room for many words. Dislike ad...
To try to get a better understanding of the divided sentiment, individual tweets were investigated and it soon became apparent that the sentiment analysis had difficulty identifying sarcasm and humour. For example, tweets that included "LOL" (Laughing Out Loud) were interpreted as a strong positive...
“Almost as soon as I came out as trans there was a spike in online harassment more vicious than anything I’d experienced before,” she said. “It turns out there are many people who spend a good portion of their spare time making life as miserable as possible for trans people. I’...