They’d either read Ehrlich’s Population Bomb (I’m not sure, you know, if it was before or after the Diet bs and I’m not going to look it up. They’re both stupid.) And then they did the calculations on what cows eat and what humans eat, and had a brain storm: if only...
When the self test shows enough excitement, and enough crazy, I try not to make decisions, or do anything new, for a while, until I have clearly calmed down, am seeing differences in how I run calculations, and the most recent calculations support the proposed new action. This is a bias...
BUT it was more house than we could afford, both in price, (Yes, we qualified. But I think those calculations are a bit nuts) and size. Buying it as a short sale, with a ton of stuff that needed to be done was bad enough. But there was also heating/cooling and just regular ...
at least in certain individuals (Contra Maria Montessori’s belief that you could never learn a language after 3 and have it be your “native” language, I have reason to believe my brain has replaced Portuguese with English. I
My brain calculations are constantly spitting out same best-case scenario: Trump has a good chance of winning bigly and decisively in the Supreme Court. He has a lot of devastating dirt on SlowJoe from the Hunter laptop alone, all that magically goes away if SlowJoe graciously concedes for ...
Of course it’s not as bad as the high from NYC, the various calculations I’ve seen actually remove other causes of death before they guestimate how many of the “extra” were caused by the flu; NYC put policies in place that resulted in deaths and then attributed any extra deaths to...
I didn’t read the article, but right there, on top was an article about the ape and the mushroom, according to which we became humans because we ate a lot of magic mushrooms — man! Trippy! — and in my head canon I want you to know every sentence in that articles ends with a ...
I haven’t been smart enough to figure out how it should be calculated, and all the other suggestions for improved GDP calculations that I’ve seen add terms for like the happiness or some such rot and don’t attempt to stay within the realm of economics. Perhaps observing that the GDP ...
performed the analytic calculations and performed the numerical simulations. Both M.S.N. and M.P. authors contributed to the final version of the manuscript. M.S.N. supervised the project. Conflicts of Interest: Declare conflicts of interest or state. The authors declare no conflict of ...
TRNSHD—A program for shading and insolation calculations. Build. Environ. 2000, 35, 633–644. [CrossRef] 9. Sun, C.; Giles, H.; Lian, Z. The dynamic impact of window characteristics on shading factor and energy consumption. Sol. Energy 2014, 102, 1–13. [CrossRef] 10. Tzempel...