These include the AD608, AD640/AD641 and the extensive AD8306, AD8307, AD8309, AD8310, AD8311, AD8312, AD8313, AD8314, AD8315, AD8316, AD8317, AD8318, and AD8319 family, as well as closely matched dual log amps, such as the AD8302 (which also measures phase), and the ADL...
Clearly, adding any form of regulator in series with an out- put adds additional complexity and power loss. The chal- lenge is to minimize both. Before getting into mag amps, it is worth discussing some other commonly used solutions The advantages of a linear regulator are simplicity, good ...
The result is as simple as it is fundamental: the noise power associated with a conductor is just kTB (watts). Now consider a real resistor, R, at an absolute temperature, T, connected to an ideal noise-free resistance, RO, of equal value. Here, the noise voltage, EN, of the ...