These include the AD608, AD640/AD641 and the extensive AD8306, AD8307, AD8309, AD8310, AD8311, AD8312, AD8313, AD8314, AD8315, AD8316, AD8317, AD8318, and AD8319 family, as well as closely matched dual log amps, such as the AD8302 (which also measures phase), and the ADL...
The reference is a band gap design, internally trimmed to 1%, and capable of operating with a supply voltage of 4.5 to 40 volts. The op amps are identical with a structure as shown simplified in Figure 9. These have PNP inputs for a common mode input range down to slightly below ...
This separate class of log amps, used in fiber-optic communication systems to measure optical power and control the gain of optical-mode amplifiers, only measures essentially static currents, from as low as 1 picoamp up to several milliamps. Alternatively, using external input resistors, voltages...