"Figurative language"可视为"literary devices"的一个分支,具体包括明喻、暗喻、拟人等。还有更多的细分,如synecdoche、metonymy、hyperbole等。逐一记忆它们并不必要。在我看来,与"literal language"相对的,即是"figurative language"。即不是使用词汇的原始意义,也不是单纯描述事物的本来模样,而是运用其...
FIGURATIVELANGUAGELITERARYDEVICES 系统标签: figurativelanguageliteraryrhymedevicesidioms FIGURATIVELANGUAGE& LITERARYDEVICES WHATISFIGURATIVELANGUAGE? •Figurativelanguagepresents ordinarythingsinfreshways, communicatingideasthatgobeyond words’ordinarymeanings. •HEREARESOMEEXAMPLES… FIGURATIVELANGUAGE: ITSLIKEASIMILE ...
Unlike literal language, figurative language makes full use ofliterary devices. Literary devices, in general, can make yourwritingmore entertaining, comprehensible, and poignant, so it’s no surprise that they go hand in hand with figurative language. Here’s a tip:Want to make sure yourwritings...
FIGURATIVELANGUAGE&LITERARYDEVICES PowerPointCreatedBy: Mr.Brooks THE“WHAT” DEFINEPOETRY! Poetry(fromtheGreek"ποίησις",poiesis,a"making")isaformofliteraryartinwhichlanguageisusedforitsaestheticandevocativequalitiesinadditionto,orinlieuof,itsapparentmeaning.Poetrymaybewrittenindependently,asdiscrete...
Definition of Figurative Language Figurative language is any figure of speech which depends on a non-literal meaning of some or all of the words used. There are many types of figurative language, including literary devices such as simile, metaphor, personification, and many pun examples, to name...
What are Literary Devices? We’ve answered “what is figurative language” and “what are the 6 types of figurative language,” so now let’s answer a related question. Read up on some great literary devices that can help take your pen game to the next level. We go through a ton of ...
Figurative language可以看作Literary devices下的一種,具體來説包括你所提到的,明喻,暗喻,擬人,種種...
Rebecca Stark
anaphora, (Greek: “a carrying up or back”), a literary or oratorical device involving the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of several sentences orclauses, as in the well-known passage from theOld Testament(Ecclesiastes3:1–2) that begins: ...
Figurative language allows us stronger or more intense expressions; this is commonly seen in the use of vulgarity, which is often used figuratively and to add intensity to an expression. Literary Devices That Embody Figurative Language Many literary devices, which are common in poetry, employ figur...