smell, taste and touch -- is called imagery. When a writer uses imagery, he or she creates a "mental picture" for the reader. That means the descriptions are so vivid the reader can almost imagine he or she is there. Many of the other figurative language devices can be examples of ima...
Figurative Language Flash Forward Flashback Foil Foreshadowing Free Verse G Genre H Haiku Half Rhyme Hamartia Homograph Homophone Hook Hubris Hyperbole Hypophora I Iamb Idiom Imagery Induction Inference Innuendo Internal Rhyme Intertextuality Invective Inversion Irony Isocolon J Jargon Juxtaposition K Kenning ...
Types of Descriptive or Figurative Language Middle school language arts and English teachers, including seventh grade instructors, help students learn to recognize poetic devices, such as imagery and personification, and incorporate them into their own creative writing assignments. Students learn to recogni...
Personificationuses human traits to describe non-human things. Again, while the aforementioned anthropomorphism actuallyappliesthese traits to non-human things, personification means the behavior of the thing does not actually change. It's personhood in figurative language only. ...
Moby-Dick Chapter 102-114 Summary & Analysis Theme of Friendship in Moby-Dick Moby-Dick Chapter 133-135 & Epilogue Summary & Analysis Moby Dick Lesson Plan Theme of Duty in Moby-Dick Moby-Dick Chapter 126-132 Summary & Analysis Figurative Language in Moby-DickCreate...
Literary Devices refers to the typical structures used by writers in their works to convey his or her messages in a simple manner to the readers. When employed properly, the different literary devices help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyze a literary work. Below is a list of literary...
Rhetorical devices Ways of manipulating language in order to persuade an audience of the speaker's point of view or elicit specific emotions to make a point Metaphor A rhetorical device that compares similar characteristics of two seemingly unlike objects or ideas through the use of figurative and ...
Figurative language could be words that are repeated often in the poem or words that rhyme in each stanza (节). To get more into the figurative meaning of the poem, you should look at how the poet uses literary methods like metaphor (隐喻), simile, and imagery. 4. Finally, you don...
A common term for imagery is figurative language, which ishow writers show the story,as opposed to telling it. One of the best places to use imagery is in thesetting of a story. Just like the five senses, there are five types of imagery: ...
In The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, what are some examples of figurative language? In The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, what rituals are associated with The Lottery? Do you have a clear sense of how they developed? In the story The Lottery...