第七代Fiesta是Fiesta的最后一代车型。2023年7月,Fiesta正式停产。Fiesta ST 第七代Fiesta ST车型搭载...
而以蓝色作为高性能部门的主打色的FordPerformance,为全新FiestaST喷上了名为LiquidBlue(液态蓝)的车身颜色,动感之足。 外观变得更加运动,内饰则变得更加豪华,全新FiestaST绝对是内外兼修的种子选手。8英寸悬浮式中控屏幕,更加宽大、信息量更大的仪表,同时选装了粗壮的多功能平底方向盘,才有ST字样的RECARO座椅,同时还可...
Forum to find the hottest deals and the coolest new products, straight from Fiesta ST Forum's group of vendors. Advertising Information. Threads 280 Messages 4,417 Black Friday 25% off Adapt-X tunes May 14, 2023 pwnall1337 Dizzy Tuning Forum to discuss the latest performance tuning with...
And it’s not just Fiesta (and with it the brilliantFiesta ST) production that’s ending. A statement released by Ford read as follows: “At Ford in Europe, we are accelerating our efforts to go all-in on electrification with our passenger vehicles being fully electric by 2030 – and all...
Ford Performance and Olsbergs MSE developed the new Fiesta ST into a supercar for the FIA World Rallycross Championship
Sep 9, 2023 #1 Hi all, I'm selling a 2015 Fiesta ST in racing red with around 23.5k miles (it is my daily driver, I average about 40-50 miles per week of driving). Extremely low mileage, very well kept. One-household car. ...
Ford Fiesta ST - Mk7 Just like every other fast Ford it would seem, the Mk7 Fiesta ST is adored as much by thieves as it is by hot hatch enthusiasts. So, be extra careful when looking at any possible private sale purchase. Firstly, getting a proper history check is a sensible investmen...
福特 嘉年华ST 第一视角试驾,最具驾驶乐趣的纯正手排ST让魔哥欲罢不能! 2.4万 243 8:31 App 18万福特进口钢炮,手动纯粹驾驶乐趣 2.9万 59 6:03 App 福特小钢炮,2023福特福克斯ST 5832 3 23:00 App Ford 嘉年华 ST 平民跑车杰作 | Revchannel ...
Fiesta ST采用的则是Dragon高功率机型,功率达到了147kW,扭矩也跃升至290Nm。 ▲(注:Fox与Dragon两代发动机的机械原理、技术细节、关系与差异,详见付费版文章) ■ 非常赞! Fiesta ST是为数不多的以三缸机作为动力配置的运动车型,老生常谈的话题“三缸机抖不抖好不好听”不想回答,实际体验感受是非常赞,比叱...