小钢炮 | Ford Fiesta ST 最近帮朋友照顾他的嘉年华st,这车很久之前开过,一直回味无穷。手动、两门、前驱、涡轮,完美符合一台欧洲小钢炮的所有标签。除了轮毂以外均为原厂设定,非常好的体现出了福特原厂调教的功力。方向灵而不贼,屁股跟而不滑,很容易感知到他的极限,每天的通勤路都能感受到驾驶的快乐。底盘虽然...
The Traxxas Ford® Fiesta® ST Rally VXL dominates the track with agile handling, AWD traction, and the 60+ mph speed of the legendary Velineon® brushless power system. Rally’s officially licensed clipless body and high-grip gravel tires offer th
The Traxxas Ford Fiesta ST Rally puts you in the driver’s seat for intense all-surface rally action! The Fiesta ST Rally is specially tuned with a low center of gravity (Low-CG) chassis and oil-filled Ultra ShocksTM to be agile on the track. When the pa
THE FORD FIESTA ST hasn't been short of plaudits on the pages of Autocar, be it group test, road test or even a starring role in our soon-to-be-published 'best driver's car on a budget' special feature. Even on these very 'Our Cars' pages, it's easy to find plenty of ...
Ford Fiesta ST vs VW Golf GTD Ford Fiesta ST vs Renault Clio RS 200 EDC Ford Fiesta ST vs Peugeot 208 GTI More Ford cars 965 2009 Ford Focus RS 305 ps, 1467 kg 2005 Ford Focus ST 225 ps, 1392 kg 2016 Ford Focus RS 350 ps 2003 Ford Focus RS 215 ps, 1290 kg More ...
【4K】小钢炮 - Ford Fiesta ST 骑上它来一趟山海间说走就走的旅行吧 | Fiesta ST是那些寻求在日常通勤车辆中得到驾车乐趣的驾驶者的理想选择,它的性能与实用性的组合为其在热门小型高性能车类别中赢得了一席之地。 AIFASHION 关注0人627粉丝关注
Traxxas Ford Fiesta ST Rally VXL Traxxas推出新款1/10拉力遥控车Ford® Fiesta® ST Rally VXL,操控更稳定的长轴距低重心底盘使用了AWD全时四驱,配备强劲的Velineon 3s无刷动力,极速接近100km/h!高抓橡胶轮胎粘合在12幅式轮圈上,轮圈的offset和同厂Slash 4X4短卡相同,Traxxas还给这款新车标配了Extreme Heavy ...
Ford Focus ST / Fiesta ST Accessport V3 Larger, full color, higher resolution screen Customizable multi-gauge display In vehicle mount, with on/off switch Faster and easier to use with a familiar face Interchangeable faceplates Details Simple Installation:Everything is included for the simple insta...
But that’s for thestarterST 1. The STs you’ve seen us adventuring in, and the one in these pictures, is an ST 3. Because with the last, wildly popular Fiesta ST, Ford noticed something important. Most people ignored the ST 1, bought an ST 2 then optioned it up with a better ...