Presenting the physics of the most challenging problems in condensed matter using the conceptual framework of quantum field theory, this book is of great interest to physicists in condensed matter and high energy and string theorists, as well as mathematicians. Revised and updated, this second editio...
4.4 General consequences of scale invariance 假如我们考虑体系处在fixed point,体系将会有一个新的对称性,标度不变性。 我们假设体系是均匀的且各向同性(其实这意味着体系具有平移不变性和旋转不变形,对于…
Nagaosa 选题精准啊,这么薄一本场论抓住了凝聚态理论的核心(比如 Altland 忽略的 Lattice Gauge Theory 和 Particle-Vortex Duality),功力很深,值得一读。 > 更多短评 8 条 我要写书评 Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)的书评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) ...
FIELD THEORIES OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICSPresenting the physics ofthe most challenging problems in condensed matterusingthe conceptual framework of quantum field theory, this book is of great interest tophysicists in condensed matter and high-energy and string theorists, as well asto mathematicians. Rev...
Condensed matterThis book based on lectures that were given at a SERC school at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, emphasizes quantum field theory techniques that were developed in parallel to high energy physics and condensed matter physics.The topics covered are quantum many particle physics, ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics》,作者:Fradkin,出版社:Cambridge University Press。最新《【预订】Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在,网购
貌似花不少篇幅讲Yang-Mills theory,还没来得及翻 Condensed Matter Field Theory——Atland 最经典的凝聚态场论 Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics——Fradkin 第二本凝聚态场论,不过没来得及翻 Quantum Field in Condensed Matter Physics——N. Nagaosa ...
('Part 1') of condensed matter physics, in which standard topics such as crystal lattice structures, phonons, and magnetic order are introduced. This is followed by an eight chapter review ('Part 2') of quantumfield theory, in which functional integrals, interacting fields and renormalisation,...
图书标签: 凝聚态物理 凝聚态理论 物理 量子场论 QFT 量子多体 凝聚态 Physics Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Presenting the physics of the most challenging problems in condensed matter using the conceptual framework of quantum field theory, this book is...
Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 170 作者: AM Tsvelik 摘要: 本书阐述了凝聚态物理中的量子场论方法的基本理论和最新进展.在描述完量子场论的基本原理后,作者重点讲述量子场论方法在凝聚态物理中的具体应用,包括超流和超导电性,详细说明了分数量子霍尔液体...