The Conference of Condensed Matter Physics (CCMP) evolved from the annual conference series "International Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Materials," which began in 2002. In 2015, the Organizing Committee decided to expand the conference's scope and scale to reflect the latest...
This Second Edition presents an updated review of the whole field of condensed matter physics. It consolidates new and classic topics from disparate sources, teaching not only about the effective masses of electrons in semiconductor crystals and band theory, but also about quasicrystals, dynamics of...
The Conference of Condensed Matter Physics (CCMP) evolved from the annual conference series "International Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Materials," which began in 2002. In 2015, the Organizing Committee...
Nagaosa 选题精准啊,这么薄一本场论抓住了凝聚态理论的核心(比如 Altland 忽略的 Lattice Gauge Theory 和 Particle-Vortex Duality),功力很深,值得一读。 我要写书评 Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)的书评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 只看本版本的评...
当然了,所有的物理理论都是effective theory,只在一定范围内有效。QFT虽统一了四大基本作用中的三种:电磁、强、弱,但和引力的不兼容性一直是近几十年来的理论物理学家和数学物理学家试图解诀的问题。量子引力是一个尝试方向,即对引力场进行量子化描述,尝试结合广义相对论和量子力学,是当前尚未解决的问题。主流理论...
Condensed matter physics Theory of Topological Phenomena in Condensed Matter Systems UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIABERKELEY Ashvin Vishwanath ZhangYiTopological phenomena in physical systems are determined by topological structures and are thus universal and protected against perturbations. We theoretically establish ...
The Conference of Condensed Matter Physics (CCMP) evolved from the annual conference series "International Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Materials," which began in 2002. In 2015, the Organizing Committee decided to expand the conference's scope and scale to reflect the latest...
theory with dramatic success. III. EARLY IMPACTS OF THE QUANTUM OF ACTION ON CONDENSED-MATTER PHYSICS As is widely known, Max Planck (1900) ushered in the new century with the introduction of the quantum of action, h, into the theory of blackbody radiation. Much less known is the fact tha...
Conference of Condensed Matter Physics 2023|会议 欢迎参加2023年凝聚态物理大会, 7月16号前缴费享受线上注册优惠! /About the Conference The Conference of Condensed Matter Physics (CCMP) evolved from the annual conference series "International Conference on Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Materials...
('Part 1') of condensed matter physics, in which standard topics such as crystal lattice structures, phonons, and magnetic order are introduced. This is followed by an eight chapter review ('Part 2') of quantumfield theory, in which functional integrals, interacting fields and renormalisation,...