菲尔德博物馆(The Field Museum),全称为菲尔德自然历史博物馆,是位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥的一座世界级自然历史博物馆。该博物馆创立于1893年,旨在通过其丰富的收藏和展览,向公众提供关于自然界和人类历史的科普教育。菲尔德博物馆的LOGO设计独具匠心,将“Field”字样置于一个方形区域内,并配以...
Logo News Field Museum Is On ItBy Cathy Lane Mar 12, 2018 Chicago’s famous Field Museum is rebranding to better explain to the visiting public that it is not a fusty institution or an entertainment venue but rather a living scientific organization that is helping to answer the tough ...
Field Museum Brings the Wilds to ChicagoDelia O'Hara
The Field Museum first opened in 1894, displaying a collection of artifacts originally assembled for the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Today, the exhibits explore more than 4.6 billion years of natural history, from ancient Egypt to Qing Dynasty China to the prehistoric era and beyond. When ...
BrandChicago Field Museum3 Campaigns Chicago Field Museum Blood Appétit Agency: Leo Burnett Chicago Field Museum Specimen Monologues Agency: Publicis Chicago Field Museum Creatures of Light, Headlight Fish, Creatures of Light, M... Agency: DDB...
圣彼得学院的月度外出活动在芝加哥一个风光绝美的日子如期举行。尽管芝加哥的二月通常寒冷,但这天却温暖宜人,天空湛蓝。离开谢德水族馆后,学生们沿着湖畔步行十分钟,便抵达了菲尔德博物馆,一路上密歇根湖波光粼粼,美不胜收。 Chicago features several museums through...
To help Chicago’s Field Museum engage with local residents, they made locals part of the museum, by adding their voice to the latest exhibition. After writing scripts for every specimen in the exhibition, we built a mobile recording booth and traveled t
芝加哥费尔德博物馆(Chicago Field Museum)2间适合阖家使用的厕所,在办公场所卫浴用品公司辛塔斯(Cintas)举办的年 …www.epochtimes.com|基于11个网页 2. 芝加哥自然博物馆 前一篇:芝加哥自然博物馆(Chicago Field Museum)后一篇:春假美西南自驾游--沙漠之绿 < 前一篇芝加哥自然博物馆(Chic…blog.sina.com.cn|基于...
『猫亓のvlog-143』美国芝加哥Day 2|谢德水族馆Shedd Aquarium|菲尔德博物馆Field Museum|Chicago Theatre 13:37 『猫亓のvlog-142』美国芝加哥Day 1|华丽一英里Magnificent Mile|芝加哥观景台360° Chicago|厚底披萨Gino’s East 04:27 『猫亓のvlog-141』美国迈阿密Day 3&4|小哈瓦那Little Havana|大沼泽地 ...
Of of the largest natural history museums in the world, the Field Museum of Natural History is located in downtown Chicago on the lakefront. It was originally founded in 1893 as the "Columbian Museum of Chicago" and has spent more than 120 years in the pursuit of scientific knowledge about...