Field Museum of Natural History Of of the largest natural history museums in the world, the Field Museum of Natural History is located in downtown Chicago on the lakefront. It was originally founded in 1893 as the "Columbian Museum of Chicago" and has spent more than 120 years in the purs...
Candidates will be expected to have formal involvement with the Museum; a curator should serve on the student's academic committee, and the research should rely heavily upon the collections and facilities of the Museum. Students must be in residence in the Chicago area and are expected to spend...
前往Field Museum 欣赏世界奇观。拜访 SUE 这一有史以来发掘出的最大、最完整、保存最好的霸王龙;向下行探看一个古老的埃及坟墓;了解超过一万年的中国历史和文化。集 46 亿年历史于一地,在此您将遍历世界各地风貌并且纵览历史长河。 使用CityPASS®门票游览 CityPASS 提供 2 种参观 菲尔德博物馆 的方式:芝加哥...
圣彼得学院的月度外出活动在芝加哥一个风光绝美的日子如期举行。尽管芝加哥的二月通常寒冷,但这天却温暖宜人,天空湛蓝。离开谢德水族馆后,学生们沿着湖畔步行十分钟,便抵达了菲尔德博物馆,一路上密歇根湖波光粼粼,美不胜收。 Chicago features several museums through...
CHICAGO, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History announced Wednesday that it will become home to world's largest dinosaur and the museum put it in the main hall next year where world's famous dinosaur fossil nicknamed Sue now stands. ...
『猫亓のvlog-142』美国芝加哥Day 1|华丽一英里Magnificent Mile|芝加哥观景台360° Chicago|厚底披萨Gino’s East 一只猫亓_ 45 0 『猫亓のvlog-127』美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆特辑Metropolitan Museum of Art 一只猫亓_ 55 0 『猫亓のVlog-147』美国波士顿Day 2|波士顿公园|马萨诸塞州议会大厦|波士顿公共...
芝加哥费尔德博物馆(Chicago Field Museum)2间适合阖家使用的厕所,在办公场所卫浴用品公司辛塔斯(Cintas)举办的年 …|基于11个网页 2. 芝加哥自然博物馆 前一篇:芝加哥自然博物馆(Chicago Field Museum)后一篇:春假美西南自驾游--沙漠之绿 < 前一篇芝加哥自然博物馆(Chic…|基于...
Museum cutbacks are also likely to affect researchers at other universities. At any given time, around 50–60 graduate students from the University of Chicago and other area universities perform dissertation research in the labs of museum curators. ...
网络芝加哥自然博物馆;芝加哥田野博物馆 网络释义
网络芝加哥自然博物馆 网络释义 1. 芝加哥自然博物馆 ...“人们如果知道了鱼类有多毒,他们绝对会大吃一惊。”芝加哥自然博物馆(Field Museum in Chicago)鱼类馆助理馆长雷欧· …|基于18个网页