The form is recommended for general use, though modifications may be required in some jurisdictions.FIDIC considers the official and authentic text to the version in the English language. 建议本格式可供通用,便在某些司法管辖区可能需要一些修改。菲迪克认为正式的和权威性的文本应是英文版本。 The intentio...
3、e translator takes full responsibility for the accuracy of the translation and that in case of dispute, the original version in English shall prevail.Peter van der TOGT Publications manager 译文在此,我授权中国工程咨询协会把FIDIC出版物译成中文并出版(但是,不包括其他组织编写的出版物)。我同意你们...
thetranslatortakesfullresponsibilityfortheaccuracyof 菲迪克(FIDIC)简明合同格式-中英对照版 thetranslationandthatincaseofdispute,theoriginal versioninEnglishshallprevail. PetervanderTOGT Publicationsmanager[译文] 在此,我授权中国工程咨询协会把FIDIC出版物译成中文并出版,但是, ...
fidic considers the official and authentic texts to be the versions in the english the preparation of these conditions of contract for construction, it was recognised that, while there are many sub-clauses which will be generally applicable, there are some sub-clauses which 26、...
F-0T6VPP;关于“建筑或环境”中“工程造价”的实用应用文参考范文文档。正文共23,857字,word格式文档。内容摘要:年第1版,年第1版,雇主 (12,承包商 (13,接收 (16,修补缺陷 (17,变更和索赔 (17,合同价格和付款 (19,违约 (20,风险和职责 (22,保险 (23,争端的解决 (24,天内,般规定,雇主,承包商,竣工...
某工程的FIDIC合同专用条款(英文版).pdf,CONTENTS 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS一般性条款 DEFINITIONS 定义 INTERPRETATION 解释 COMMUNICATIONS 通讯 PRIORITY OF DOCUMENTS 文件的优先适用 CONTRACT AGREEMENT合同协议 JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY连带责任 2. THE EMPLOYER雇 "Appendix to Tender" means the completed pages entitled appendix to tender which are appended to and form part of the Letter of Tender. “工程量表(Bill of Quantities)”和“计日工计划(Daywork Schedule)”指资料表中如此命名的文件(如有时)。 "Bill of Quantities" and...
11 As stated below, the Green Book, FIDIC's short form of contract, also has a claim to be considered as part of the Rainbow Suite, as it was issued in 1999. 12 FIDIC, 'World Bank signs five-year agreement to use FIDIC standard contracts',
(including the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)) have entered into bilateral agreements with FIDIC to use the full 2017 suite. Each MDB will adopt the standard form with their own particular conditions of ...