副标题: The FIDIC Forms of Contract Third Edition译者: 张水波 / 王佳伟 / 倪乐 / 随海鑫 / 赫冰峰 / 张俊丽 出版年: 2008年5月页数: 542定价: 76.00元ISBN: 9787112095285豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· 全书共分六大部分,共27章。第一部分论述...
[1] Construction Contract Claims,Reg Thomas; [2] The FIDIC Forms of Contract (Third Edition), Nael G.Bunni; [3] 基于EFA方法的争端委员会应用障碍因素识别及对策分析,张育彬; [4]. East Anglia Branch Annual Summer Seminar...
FIDIC Standard Forms of Contract FIDIC系列标准合同条件 1、Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件 (1957, 1965, 1977, 1987, 1992(DAB)) 2、Conditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工分包合同条件 (1994) 3、Conditions...
分别是:施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)、生产设备和设计-建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design - Build)和设计-采购-施工与交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC / Turnkey
FIDIC)在伦敦举办的国际用户会议上,发布了99版三本合同条件的第二版,分别是:施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)(红皮书)、生产设备和设计-建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build)(黄皮书)和设计-采购-施工与交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey ...
The Employer desires the execution of certain Works known as ___ 雇主要实施工程名称为 OFFER报价 The Contractor has examined the documents listed in the Appendix which forms part of this Agreement and offers to execute the Works in conformity with the Contract for the sum of ___(in words)__...
FIDIC1999EditionsNewStandardFormsofContract 1、ConditionsofContractforConstruction2、ConditionsofContractforPlantand Design-Build3、ConditionsofContractforEPC/Turnkey Projects4、ShortFormofContract FIDIC1999年新版合同条件 1、施工合同条件2、工程设备与设计—建造合同条件3、EPC交钥匙合同条件4、简明合同条件 新版...
Appendix which forms part of this Agreement and offers to execute the Works in conformity with the Contract for the sum of ___(in words)___(in figures) (___)or such other sum as may be ascertained under the Contract. 承包商已研究...
Whilst the pre-release second edition of the FIDIC Yellow Book was issued late last year, this December FIDIC is scheduled to make the official release of the new forms of contract for Red, Yellow and Silver Books. The Second Edition significantly improves the contract administration procedures an...