DBA Los Angeles County and Fictitious Business Name Filing and publishing Services, Merchant Account Processing, Graphic/Logo Design, and Business Plan Writing Services
A DBA is designed to inform the public. One would need to be filed for any business name that does not fully disclose the identity of the owners. Learn more.
If you are planning to start your own business, especially if you are interested in a sole proprietorship, you may want Spiegel & Utrera to handle your Fictitious Name.A fictitious name is any name under which a person transacts business in the state other than that person’s legal name. ...
fictitious business name An encyclopedia entry for "fictitious business name" is presented. In a sole proprietorship, it refers to any name that does not include the owner's last n... R Stim - 《Contracts the Essential Business Desk Reference》 被引量: 1发表: 2010年 Officials warn business...
Fictitious business name statementReturn, YourAddress, MailingAngeles, L O SFiling, Type O F
A DBA is designed to inform the public. One would need to be filed for any business name that does not fully disclose the identity of the owners. Learn more.