DBA Los Angeles County and Fictitious Business Name Filing and publishing Services, Merchant Account Processing, Graphic/Logo Design, and Business Plan Writing Services
A DBA is designed to inform the public. One would need to be filed for any business name that does not fully disclose the identity of the owners. Learn more.
Our service is designed to provide professional, convenient, and expedited DBA Los Angeles County registration filing and publishing at a reasonable price. LA Business Connect can assist with the filing of your DBA/Fictitious Business Name, so that you can avoid having to take time from your busy...
Fictitious Business Name Declaration (SC-103) How much does it cost? In addition to the regular filing fees, you will pay an Efiling Service Provider Fee. This fee reimburses the Court for providing electronic public access services.
Terms; and (2) the User Content will not cause injury to any person or entity. Using a name other than your own legal name in association with the submission of User Content is prohibited (except in those specific areas of the Site that may specifically ask for unique, fictitious names)...
a Business DBA/Fictitious Business, LLC, Incorporation, Employer Identification Number (EIN) Learn More More Than 100 Services Affordable Legal Document Preparation Services We the People is a legal document preparation center that charges a flat rate to prepare and file your legal documents in a ...
check, the prosecutor has to prove some aspects of the crime. The prosecutor has to show that you possessed the document. It should also be evident that you intended to pass or use the document as genuine despite knowing that the document is false. What is a fake or fictitious check?
A DBA "doing business as" or FBNS "fictitious business name statement" is a declaration to the public that a business intends to use a business name (also known as an assumed name or trade name) that implies multiple owners or does not include the full legal name of the owner. In some...
but the 17th floor is used as a mail drop by less-established enterprises; in business lingo, it’s a parking lot. As for Capital Crest, it had been registered with the Los Angeles County Clerk’s Office in June 1994 as a fictitious business name for J. David Williams, chief operating...
Second Edition First printing by Vault of Knowledge All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Cover art by Diego Paz and Sasha Palacio ISBN: 978-0-9859425-0-2 PUBLISHED BY Vault Of Knowledge Los Angeles Printed in the ...