Liver fibrosisis a wound healing process characterized by accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins. 肝纤维化是以细胞外基质沉积为特征的创伤愈合过程. 互联网 Conclusion: Combination of interferon α1 b with matrine offered synergistic effects against theliver fibrosisin CHB. ...
Related to Liver fibrosis:fatty liver,Liver cirrhosis cir·rho·sis (sĭ-rō′sĭs) n. 1.Any of various chronic diseases of the liver characterized by the replacement of normal tissue with fibrous tissue and the loss of functional liver cells, resulting from a variety of causes that include...
Liver fibrosis is a clinically significant finding that has major impacts on patient morbidity and mortality. The mechanism of fibrosis involves many different cellular pathways, but the major cell type involved appears to be hepatic stellate cells. Many liver diseases, including Hepatitis B, C, and...
【疾病名】肝纤维化 【英文名】fibrosisofliver 【缩写】 【别名】hepaticfibrosis;肝纤维变性 【ICD号】K74.0 【概述】 肝纤维化(fibrosisofliver)是多种原因引起的慢性肝损害所致的病理改 变,表现为肝内细胞外间质成分过度异常地沉积,并影响肝脏的功能,是慢性 肝病发展到肝硬化必经之阶段。现认为肝纤维化尚有逆...
Liver fibrosis is the liver's response to injury, in which excess extracellular matrix is deposited. In most cases, liver fibrosis is the result of chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis. Liver fibrosis can progress to liver cirrhosis over time, but the two conditions are distinct. Latest Re...
the treatmentofliver fibrosis,andis looking to market the drug in the U.S. within the next several years. Sundise 公司成立于 1999 年,因开发治疗肝纤维化的中成药扶正化瘀(肝平)胶囊/片而闻名全国,该公司计划在今后几年中将该药推入美国市场。
liver cancer. Diagnosis is usually made at the stage of advanced and irreversible cirrhosis, at which point the patient's survival depends on liver transplantation. An early diagnosis at the reversible stage of fibrosis could stop chronic liver disease progression and enable personalized treatment, red...
【疾病名】肝纤维化 【英文名】fibrosis of liver 【缩写】 【别名】hepatic fibrosis;肝纤维变性 【ICD 号】K74.0 【概述】 肝纤维化 (fibrosis of liver)是多种原因引起的慢性肝损害所致的病理改 变,表现为肝内细胞外间质成分过度异常地沉积,并影响肝脏的功能,是慢性 肝病发展到肝硬化必经之阶段。现认为肝纤...