A high-fiber fruit, avocado is rich in heart-healthy fats and calories. One cup of cubed avocado contains 240 calories, 13 grams of carbohydrate, and 10 grams of fiber. If you are trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain, watch your portions. Dried beans & peas Canned or cooked dri...
dinner: 1.5 cups of stir-fried vegetables with tofu or chicken, one cup of cooked brown rice = about 10 grams supper: 1⁄2 a punnet of strawberries with some yogurt = about 3 grams. Bringing it all together Vegetables are a key part of a healthy,balanced diet, packed with fiber that...
A complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids, this ingredient touts nearly 6 grams of fiber per cup — and when toasted, adds a lovely earthiness and crunchiness to homemade granola. Get the Almond-Buckwheat Granola with Yogurt and Berries recipe. RELATED: Why We Should All ...
Beans and legumes will always be standouts in this category. If you opt for a full cup of lentil soup, you could consume upwards of 16 grams of fiber, which can help keep your energy steady throughout the day. "Fiber helps to keep our blood sugars more stable so that we're not fee...
In this study, the dietary fiber content of fresh and processed vegetables did not differ significantly. Canned strawberries had more dietary fiber per cup serving than fresh strawberries. Strawberries cost the most per cup serving followed by peaches, apples, and oranges. Although consumption of ...
Fiber:7.5 grams per one-cup serving Like raspberries, blackberries are high in fiber. Whether fresh or frozen, you can eat these babies in yogurt, as part of a fruit salad, or raw by the handful. 42. Peanuts Getty Images Fiber:14 grams per one-cup serving ...
Strawberries proven to block mercury in fish: Health Ranger shares research with the public 7/17/2014 - As part of my ongoing scientific research into heavy metals, elemental retention and metals capturing (see explanatory videos here), I have identified and documented anti-heavy-metals substances...
High-fiber cereals:Check labels carefully, but somehigh-fiber cerealsare also low or fairly low in carbohydrates. Spinach and chard (cooked): One cup of chopped, cookedspinachhas 2 grams of usable carbs and 8 grams of fiber. A 150-gram serving of chard provides 3 grams of usable carbs an...
Kiwifruit sold in the United States are typically either green or gold kiwifruits. A cup of sliced raw green kiwifruit delivers 5.4 grams fiber; one large kiwifruit contains 1.7 grams of fiber, 0.7 grams of which is soluble fiber, and 1.0 gram of insoluble fiber, according to a report from...
When you're craving a base for stir fries, burritos or protein bowls, skip the white stuff and choose brown rice instead, suggests Gaw: It's a whole grain that is higher in both protein and fiber than its refined cousin. Half a cup of brown rice has 2.75 g protein and just under 2...