Once you’ve caught the Jhinga fish, you’ll be able to prepare the following meals: Jhinga Biryani(CP +21%, Max 109; Control +4%, Max 72) 1 Jhinga. 2 Perilla Oil. 1 Northern Sea Salt. 2 Bomba Rice. 1 Thavnairian Paprika. 1 Earthbreak Aethersand. 3 Fire Cluster. 3 Water Clus...
Responds favorably to thePrecision Hookset. Unlocked via Norvrandt Folklore Book Housing: Wall-mount Information Small Angler's Canvas ▲ Desynth Culinarian Potential Results: 1Quicktongue Materia VII 1Quicktongue Materia VIII 1-4Nightworld Silver Piece 1-2Water Cluster Contribute...
Water Type:Saltwater Fish Size:3 (L) Housing: Wall-mount Information Large Angler's Canvas ▲ Desynth Culinarian Potential Results: 1-2Water Cluster 1Fine Sand 1Red Pigment 1Allagan Bronze Piece 1-4Water Crystal 1Grey Pigment 1Piety Materia IV ...
So expect to go through each time you find a new cluster of nodes. Since new nodes are available every 5 levels, you might as well go to your guildmaster (They offer a new quest every 5 levels) to get a clue as to where they are, and free gear upgrades! Another way to increase ...
When “saving” people from chaos – do not create a Venn Diagram of Clusterf*ckery. There is alot of space to spread out Thunder from hitting one another. In his mind, he is the Venn Diagram. It’s him. –Mahiko “Charles Barkley” San. ...
A guide on the different gods in FFXIV a realm reborn and the stats they give – are they relevant? Everything you need to know about the gods in ARR! The other choice given to us (without a table comparison) is god choice. Your choice of god will give you small bonus to Elemental...
So expect to go through each time you find a new cluster of nodes. Since new nodes are available every 5 levels, you might as well go to your guildmaster (They offer a new quest every 5 levels) to get a clue as to where they are, and free gear upgrades! Another way to increase ...
Craftsmanship Req.:620Control Req.:-Quick Synth:Yes QS Craftsmanship:718 Acquired From:Master Culinarian III 2Fire Cluster 1Water Cluster 1Retribution Staff 1 Star Anise 1 Abalathian Spring Water 1 Coriander 1 Abalathian Rock Salt 1Duskborne Aethersand Contribute...
Responds favorably to thePrecision Hookset. Unlocked via Othard Folklore Book Housing: Wall-mount Information Small Angler's Canvas ▲ Desynth Culinarian Potential Results: 1Allagan Gold Piece 1Grade 7 Dark Matter 1Fine Sand 1-2Water Cluster Contribute...
Lightning Cluster 2 Level:50 Unspoiled(1 AM/5 AM/9 AM) Level: 50 Fire Cluster 3 Level:50 Unspoiled(1 AM/5 AM/9 AM) Level: 50 Wind Cluster 4 Level:50 Unspoiled(1 AM/5 AM/9 AM) Level: 50 Water Cluster 5 Level:50 Unspoiled(1 AM/5 AM/9 AM) Level: 50 Ice Cluster...