White Mages have the most leniency compared to the other two healers in that with skills likeAssizeandThin Air, when used in conjunction withLucid Dreaming, we have the best mana efficiency of the healer role. That said, you will still run out of mana if you’re unnecessarily repeatedly cas...
: water imp : wind-up Louisoix : Midgardsormr : Doman magpie : Enkidu : wind-up Violet : wind-up founder : wind-up Dezul Qualan : wind-up kobolder : wind-up Sea Devil : chocobo chick courier : wind-up Kain : wind-up Alphinaud : wind-up Alisaie : wind-up Tataru : wind-up...
Wailers and Waterwheels New Gridania, Old Gridania Purchase from Maisenta for 5,000 gil. 2.0 Watts's Anvil Watts's Anvil Exchange 6 Hammered Frogments with Mizutt 5.3 Welcome to Our Town! (Endwalker) Bestways Burrow, Greatest Endsvale, The Carrotorium Exchange 350 Bicolor Gemstone wit...
Fire in Red>Aero in Green>Water in Blueis Pictomancer’s basic combo. The basic combo and its AoE counterpart generates 25Palette Gaugeand aWhite Paintcharge.Palette Gaugeis the main payoff for executing a basic combo and White Paint is used to castHoly in White, the main resource used fo...
Fishing Log: The Norvrandt Slope Hole Level: 80 The Tempest - Norvrandt (29-15,-3) Saltwater Bait: Short Bill Minnow, Squid Strip, Versatile Lure Housing: Wall-mount Information Large Angler's Canvas ▲ Reduction Fisher Potential Results: 0-4 Ageflow Aethersand 1-32 Water Crysta...
Alas, history would repeat itself when the island was abandoned for the third time a century ago in response to the eruption of an underwater volcano. Now Aloalo sits quietly, awaiting any who might start the cycle anew. 27:God of Heaven and Sea ...
Water. The Unending Journey: # 8: Voiced cutscene start. Crystal Exarch By your deeds has the blinding Light been banished from these skies, and the sin eaters driven to retreat. Although our many hurts will be years in the mending, I have faith that this world and her people will one...