There's no wrong way to level a new job or class in Final Fantasy 14, but there are faster, more efficient routes.
24 Nov. 2024 (FAQ page):Updated for Patch 7.1. Show more Ninja Guide LevelingKeybindingsMeldingGear and Best in SlotDPS RotationFAQHow to ImproveJob Changes Guides from Other Classes Red Mage Guide Sage Guide Dark Knight Guide Machinist Guide...
LevelingKeybindingsMeldingGear and Best in SlotDPS RotationFAQHow to ImproveJob Changes ABOUT THE AUTHOR This guide was written by Cetonis, who has been a Bard theorycrafter and guide contributor since late ARR. He is also part of The Balance as a Bard mentor. All good theorycraft is a gro...
Leveling Keybindings Melding Gear and Best in Slot DPS Rotation How to Improve Job Changes TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. What is Summoner's Playstyle? 2. Summoner Strengths and Weaknesses 3. How do you unlock Summoner? 4. Summoner Gauge 5. Summoner Video Resources 6. Summoner Actio...
LevelingKeybindingsMeldingGear and Best in SlotTank RotationFAQHow to ImproveJob Changes TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. What is Dark Knight's playstyle? 2. Dark Knight Strengths and Weaknesses 3. How do you unlock Dark Knight? 4. Dark Knight Gauges ...
LevelingKeybindingsMeldingGear and Best in SlotDPS RotationJob Changes Guides from Other Classes White Mage Guide Red Mage Guide Monk Guide Black Mage Guide ABOUT THE AUTHOR Stella is a long-time FFXIV player who started in 2018, and has become a Mentor for The Balance in the years since. ...
Learn how to play Blue Mage, a caster ranged DPS job in Final Fantasy XIV that uses blue magic learned from defeating enemies, and is capable of being used as either a tank, a healer, or a DPS. Blue Mage can be played starting at level 1 after getting an
The best thing I ever realized as a long time WoW player who swapped to FF14 was that I could leave and come back whenever I wanted and I wasn't stuck grinding for weeks at a time. At best, I would spend a day or two doing roulettes for gear if I was behind on ilevel for th...
As for the high number of crafted items in the Market Board, they are there for a similar reason as the crafted items. For the best and most sought-after items, players have to reach the higher levels, or better yet, get to the level cap of the Disciple of Hand that allows their cr...
The next Letter from the Producer LIVE is getting closer. Here is everything you need to know about it! Final Fantasy XIVs Patch 7.1 is scheduled for mid-November 2024, and the next Letter from the Producer Live Part LXXXIV will bring you the latest upda