If you're looking to complete your 5.x relic weapon, then this is arguably the fastest way to level secondary jobs from 71-80. The good stuff happens in The Bozjan Southern Front, so you'll need to complete the quests The Bozja Incident by speaking to Cid in Rhalgr's Reach (X:11.8...
Mage's Ballad, andArmy's Paeon- that roll an 80% chance to gain some effect every three seconds. Bard also has frequent off-global cooldowns on top of these, in addition to other random procs. This makes Bard both one of the fastest-paced jobs, and it is also one of the more ...
Ninja is one of the jobs with the highest amount of contribution to the raid from raid buffs.Dokumoriis the reason why Ninja does so well in buffing the raid. Our main gameplay loop is built around us pooling as much Ninki and abilities as we can for each Kunai's Bane window, and ...
Dancer is a physical ranged job with a suite of useful party utility. In addition to buffing a selected party member withClosed Position, it also has a damage buff for the entire party. Like the other physical ranged jobs, Dancer has plenty of mobility and raid-wide party mitigation in the...
One of only two DPS jobs with combat raise. Great party utility kit. Weaknesses Weak filler phase outside of burst windows. Carbuncle actions cannot be used while summoning your Primal or Demi-Primal pets. Unintended spell speed can create awkward drift with your Demi-Primal cooldowns. 3. Ho...
Limited jobs are unable to use Duty Finder matchmaking. They can use the Duty Finder, but it must be with a pre-formed party. Limited jobs are unable to enter certain types of duties, such as Eureka, Squadron missions, Deep Dungeons, PvP, and Ultimate raids. Limited jobs gain significa...
Machinist has no raid buff, so it falls under the category of greed DPS. It brings a raid-wide party mitigation in the form of an action calledTactician, which is shared amongst all Physical Ranged jobs withShield SambaandTroubadour, as well as a unique mitigative action inDismantlethat requ...
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you will be able to raise your Knowledge Level, which will influence the outcome of battles You will have access to unique jobs on the isle, called Phantom Jobs, which will grant you new actions that can be used with your main job Some of the Phantom Jobs will be: Monk Bard Geomancer ...
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