1. mux 相关函数逻辑 - write header 如图 2. mux 相关函数逻辑 mux 层给我最直观的感觉就是比较“碎”,最上层用户接口的与内部实现几乎结成了一个“网状结构”,这也代表很多函数都是可以复用的。 简要描述一下几个内部实现函数的各自目的,以防在正式解读 mux 用户接口时,内部互相调来调去难以理解。 Mux 相...
ffmpeg学习笔记 1.FFmpeg内存模型 2.AVPacket常用API 3.AVFrame常用API 1.FFmpeg内存模型 2.AVPacket常用API AVPacket *av_packet_alloc(void); //分配AVPacket 这个时候和buffer没有关系 void av_packet_free(AVPacket **pkt); //释放AVPacket 和_al... ...
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions 10 plugins/obs-ffmpeg/ffmpeg-mux/ffmpeg-mux.c Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1159,16 +1159,16 @@ static inline bool ffmpeg_mux_packet(struct ffmpeg_mux *ffm, uint8_t *buf,...
简单的说,ffmpeg有视频采集功能、视频格式转换、视频抓图、给视频加水印 值得注意的是,ffmpeg只是提供了编码解码的接口。decode--译码,解码工具 如:H264 decode encode--解码 值得一提的是:encode+decode=codec(编码方式)demux是“解析格式”,比如MKV,MOV是格式(专业的叫法是容器)格式内有stream...
Platform Operating system and version: MacOS 10.15.6 OBS Studio version: 26.0.2 Current Behavior Upon stating a recording, error window appears with "An encoder error occurred while recording". This stops recording, leaving a file with j...
2. FFmpeg时间戳详解(35355) 3. FFmpeg数据结构AVFrame(24843) 4. FFmpeg简易播放器的实现5-音视频同步(24190) 5. FFmpeg中overlay滤镜用法-水印及画中画(22211) 推荐排行榜 1. FFmpeg时间戳详解(24) 2. 视频编解码基础概念(13) 3. 色彩空间与像素格式(12) ...
FFMPEG mux video and audio (from another video) - mapping issue Ask Question Asked 11 years, 11 months ago Modified 1 year, 4 months ago Viewed 106k times 116 I would like to place the audio from a video to another video without an audio (in one command): ffmpeg.exe -i video1_no...
I tracked the ffmpeg code and found that in the function "av_write_frame->mov_write_packet->ff_mov_write_packet", it will call function "ff_avc_parse_nal_units" to obtain the size of nal unit, but the return value is very small(such as 208 bytes). ...
Demux “mpeg” container file containing MPEG-2 video stream and any FFmpeg supported audio stream. Decode the MPEG-2 video stream and audio stream. (using “-split” option) Encode to MPEG-2 video stream and MPEG audio stream. Mux streams into “mpeg” container. ...
ffmpeg https://github.com/tanersener/mobile-ffmpeg LGPL LGPLとiosアプリについて https://blog.tai2.net/lgpl_and_appstore.html cordovaプラグイン 雑ですが作りました。 https://github.com/contribu/mp4muxdemux 問題 dlb_mp4baseで作ったmp4をsafariブラウザやmacやiphoneで再生できません。