I was looking for a tutorial/book that would teach me how to start to use FFmpeg as a library (a.k.a. libav) and then I found the "How to write a video player in less than 1k lines" tutorial. Unfortunately it was deprecated, so I decided to write this one....
In fact, we're just displaying all the video frames as fast as we can extract them from the movie file. We don't have any code right now for figuring out when we need to display video. Eventually (in Tutorial 5), we'll get around to syncing the video. But first we're missing so...
ffmpeg -ss 01:23:45 -i [input] -vframes 1 -q:v 2 output.png 8 视频裁剪 # 指定开始时间(start)和持续时间(duration),output前可添加路径,-c copy表示直接拷贝 ffmpeg -ss [start] -i [input] -t [duration] -c copy [output] # 指定开始时间和结束时间(end) ffmpeg -ss [start] -i [...
$ ffmpeg -ss [start] -i [input] -t [duration] -c copy [output] $ ffmpeg -ss [start] -i [input] -to [end] -c copy [output] 下面是实际的例子。 $ ffmpeg -ss 00:01:50 -i [input] -t 10.5 -c copy [output] $ ffmpeg -ss 2.5 -i [input] -to 10 -c copy [output] 上面...
ffmpeg -i INPUT -c:v ENCODER OPTIONS -c:a ENCODER OPTIONS OUTPUT INPUT: 输入文件 ENCODER: -c:v 处的ENCODR这里表视频编码器 OPTIONS:表示视频编码器参数和选选 ENCODER: -c:a 处的ENCODER表示音频编码器 OPTIONS:表示音频编码器参数和选选
i. libavcodec (编解码库) (Codec Library) libavcodec是FFmpeg中的核心组件之一,它提供了大量的音视频编解码器,支持多种流行的音视频编码格式。通过这个库,开发者可以实现对音视频文件的编码和解码操作。 编解码器(codec)是用于对音视频数据进行编码(压缩)和解码(解压)的工具。编码器(encoder)将未压缩的音视频数...
ffmpeg -i test.asf -y -f image2 -t 0.001 -s 352x240 a.jpg 截取一张352x240尺寸大小的,格式为jpg的图片 10.截取图片格式(Gif) ffmpeg -i test.asf -vframes 30 -y -f gif a.gif 把视频的前30帧转换成一个Animated Gif 11.屏幕录制 ...
{int ret = -1;int i = 0;AVFormatContext* avFmtCtx = NULL; // 大管家if (avmi == NULL || filepath == NULL) {return;}// 1.打开音视频文件或网络流ret = avformat_open_input(&avFmtCtx, filepath, NULL, NULL);if (ret < 0) {printf("error avformat_open_input:%s\n", filepath);...
lajos at codza dot com Introduction This project is forked fromhttps://github.com/lajos/iFrameExtractor. I update the code for the latest ffmpeg and iOS version. The source code is tested onMac OS 10.7.4(Lion)forffmpeg 0.11.1andiOS 5.1withXcode 4.3.2. ...
ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf “scale=640:480” output.mp4 // 将input.avi视频转码为output.mp4,并设置输出分辨率为640×480 3. 提取视频帧: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf “select=’eq(n,100)'” -vframes 1 output.jpg // 提取input.mp4视频的第100帧为output.jpg ...