int videoStreamIdx = -1; int audioStreamIdx = -1; /* 4. 寻找并打开解码器 */ openCodecContext(pInFormatCtx, &videoStreamIdx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, &pVideoCodecCtx); openCodecContext(pInFormatCtx, &audioStreamIdx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, &pAudioCodecCtx); pPacket = av_packet_alloc(); p...
The-ioption serves to get the input which in my case is the video file namedТимати–Рентген ( Альбом’13’)-C9Plztvv8ac.mp4, the -r option sets the number of frames to be extracted as images every second. I like to extract one frame every second. Then a ...
I帧(Intra coded frames):I 帧图像采用帧内编码方式,即只利用了单帧图像内的空间相关性,而没有利用时间相关性。I 帧使用帧内压缩,不使用运动补偿,由于 I 帧不依赖其它帧,所以是随机存取的入点,同时是解码的基准帧。I 帧主要用于接收机的初始化和信道的获取,以及节目的切换和插入,I 帧图像的压缩倍数相对较低...
DTS 主要用于控制帧的 解码顺序 , 特别是在包含 B 帧 的编码中 , B 帧可能需要先解码后面的帧 ; B帧是 双向内插帧 ( Bi-directional Predicted Frames ) , 记录的是 本帧 B 帧与 前后 I 帧或 P 帧 的差别 ; AVPacket 中的 int64_t pts 成员就是 数据包 的 解码时间戳 ; typedef struct AVPack...
Which is consistent with VideoFiler reader, and more similiar to the camera. Becareful when using it.Support RTSP, RTP, RTMP, HTTP, HTTPS streams. The VideoCaptureStream will be laggy and dropping frames if your post-process takes long time. The VideoCaptureCAM will buffer the recent frames....
video_data['-level'] = str(stream['level']) # 编码器的级别 if 'width' in stream and 'height' in stream: video_data['-s'] = str(stream['width']) + 'x' + str(stream['height']) # 视频分辨率 if 'has_b_frames' in stream: ...
为什么选择FFmpeg进行音视频处理 (Why Choose FFmpeg for Audio and Video Processing) 选择FFmpeg进行音视频处理有以下几个主要原因: 功能强大:FFmpeg支持多种音视频格式、封装格式、滤镜效果等,覆盖了大部分音视频处理需求。 跨平台性:FFmpeg支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、macOS、Linux等,便于统一的应用开发。
ffmpeg -i SampleVideo_1280x720_20mb.mp4 -vn -aframes 180 -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ar 48000 -y SampleVideo-testflv.flv 使用MediaInfo 对其进行分析: 4、字幕选项 字幕格式包括:srt,ass,ssa,… ①、主要命令选项 -scodec codec(input/output):设置字幕解码器,是 -codec:s 的别名。
Error handling for all the functions need to be properly reviewed, including handling of null pointers. It's not clear whether thread safe practices have been followed in operations such as forcefully setting the sampling rate for frames.
Same as this, we can also extract a single image from the video which is also known as a frame. Generally, the videos may have 30 frames per second which is the same as 1,800 frames per minute. The frame rate refers to how many images are displayed each second. Installing FFmpeg on...