The conversion of your assets is optimized thanks to FFmpeg, a powerful open-source tool. ⚠️ Disclaimer : You should always backup your vault before using this plugin. Supported formated Files supported by this plugin are the save as the accepted files from Obsidian. Image : .avif, .bmp...
为了将png文件转换为一个avif文件,我在管理员权限的cmd窗口中给出了如下命令。 ffmpeg -i input.png output.avif 当然,除了ASCII代码之外,文件目录中没有其他字符。发出了下列错误代码: [NULL @ 00000211e91fd800] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'output.avif' output.avif: Invalid argument 我...
heif_context* ctx = heif_context_alloc(); heif_context_read_from_file(ctx, input_filename, nullptr); // get a handle to the primary image heif_image_handle* handle; heif_context_get_primary_image_handle(ctx, &handle); // decode the image and convert colorspace to RGB, saved as 24bi...