调用ffmpeg命令:在Java代码中,我们可以使用FFmpegHelper.convertVideo方法来调用ffmpeg命令。以下是如何使用这个方法的示例: StringinputPath="/path/to/input.mp4";StringoutputPath="/path/to/output.avi";Stringformat="avi";FFmpegHelperffmpegHelper=newFFmpegHelper();StringresultPath=ffmpegHelper.convertVideo(input...
在你的 Activity 或 Fragment 中调用convertVideoFormat方法: StringinputVideoPath="/path/to/input/video.mp4";StringoutputVideoPath="/path/to/output/video.avi";convertVideoFormat(inputVideoPath,outputVideoPath); 1. 2. 3. 结果展示 通过执行上述代码,您可以将指定路径的 MP4 视频文件转换为 AVI 格式。...
具体代码和步骤如下: #include<stdio.h>#include"stdafx.h"extern"C"{#include<libavformat/avformat.h>};voidlog_ss(constchar*msg,intd=-1123){if(d==-1123){printf_s("%s\n",msg);}else{printf_s("%s %d \n",msg,d);}}intmain(){AVOutputFormat*ofmt=NULL;//Input AVFormatContext and Outpu...
if (result_pix_fmt != (enum AVPixelFormat)inpar->format || video_en_ctx->width != inpar->width || video_en_ctx->height != inpar->height) { video_need_convert = true; } // 对应一些封装器需要添加这个标记 /** 遇到问题:生成的mp4或者mov文件没有显示用于预览的小图片 * 分析原因:之...
(ConvertVideo.class); public static String projectPath = D:\\tool\\ffmpeg\\bin; //ffmpeg 包安装bin目录 static { fileType = new HashMap<String, String>(); fileType.put("avi", "true"); fileType.put("mpg", "true"); fileType.put("wmv", "true"); fileType.put("3gp", "true"); ...
Secondly, I'm trying to convert 264 to avi: ffmpeg -i "input.264" "output.avi" Final avi should have almost 200MB, but has only 2MB. 264 file has almost 150MB, so it should be good. I think that I should use some codec in second command, but I don't know which. I'm trying...
public class ConvertVideo { private static String inputPath = ""; private static String outputPath = ""; private static String ffmpegPath = ""; public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { getPath(); if (!checkfile(inputPath)) { ...
ffmpeg command to convert from avi file to mp4 file below does create mp4 file, but the quality of it is not all right at all. Fist, the sizes of the files are different, the mp4 is much smaller and about 1/10 of the avi file. Second, the playing time of the newly created mp4 ...
/视频资源/gxsp.avi";//Output file URL//1. 注册初始化//H.264 bitstream malformed, no startcode found, use the video bitstream filte错误解决方法 第一步AVBitStreamFilterContext*filter=av_bitstream_filter_init("h264_mp4toannexb");if(NULL==filter){log_ss("filter init fail");}//av_...
Part 4: FFmpeg Examples for Daily Video Editing Tasks Convert .avi video to .mpgand any other formats by typing desired formats, say wmv, mp4, mkv, flv, etc. FFmpeg -i source_video.avi final_video.mpg Convert a video for the iPod/iPhone using FFmpeg ...