--embed-subs --all-subs at least on this video creates a long command that causes this error ERROR: [WinError 206] The filename or extension is too longVerbose loglog.txt github kills the post if i post it not in a link[debug] Command-line config: ['ZoolYwldrhY', '-vU', '--...
Also bumped into this problem, output_wts should create parameter file instead of the long command whisper.cpp/examples/main/main.cpp Line 693 in 7a74e92 bool output_wts(struct whisper_context * ctx, const char * fname, const char * fname_inp, const whisper_params & params, float ...
// Set startup niceness var command = ffmpeg('/path/to/file.avi') .renice(5) .save('/path/to/output.mp4'); // Command takes too long, raise its priority setTimeout(function() { command.renice(-5); }, 60000); Reading video metadataYou can read metadata from any valid ffmpeg ...
python ffmpeg rtmp推流 command 开始延迟 ffmpeg推流webrtc 家里有个吃灰的树莓派,是为背景。 背景 偶然看到关于树莓派的玩法,发现了知乎树莓派玩法,简单来说就是利用ffmpeg把离线的视频推流到B站进行直播。直播的原理还是很简单的, 只需要把视频一个packet一个packet发送到直播服务器就行了。具体命令: ffmpeg -re...
最上面的Getting help:是说如何获得帮助. 使用ffmpeg --help long会输出高级参数, 使用ffmpeg --help full会输出全部帮助信息. 使用ffmpeg -h topic可以指定要输出的帮助类型. 接下来的-formats/-muxers/-demuxers/-devices/-codecs/-encoders/-bsfs/-protocols/-filters分别表示打印出所有格式/复用/解复用/设备...
AVPacket* pPacket =ffmpeg.av_packet_alloc();while(!CloseCommand){ error= ffmpeg.av_read_frame(formatContext, pPacket);//读取frame... } 这是解码,当然编码也是同理。 原因是在C#上连续多次重复创建unsafe对象,即使主动释放有GC回收,还是会慢慢泄漏(跑俩小时解码一个视频,内存泄漏了50m,短期看不出来...
other command line is worked but for this code its not worked ? why ?复制 ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.CreateNoWindow = false; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "ffmpeg.exe"); //??? startInfo...
This option is valid only using the ffmpeg command-line tool. For library interface users, use global_quality. cutoff (--advanced-encode-option lowpass_frequency=N) Set cutoff bandwidth in Hz, a value of 0 disables cutoff. oggenc's related option is expressed in kHz. The default value is...
I mentioned that you can usemathematical operationsforvaluestoo: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf "scale=w=1/2*in_w:h=1/2*in_h" output.mkv This command sets theoutput sizetohalf(1/2) of theinput size(in_w,in_h). 2. Video Cropping ...
Sometimes you have a file that contains valid chapters, but they are too long, so you would like to split them into sub-chapters. This is tricky, because the chapters command relays only on metadata and not on track length - so it won't work. BUT: There might be a workaround. In ...