利用ffmpeg 获取USB 或者本地摄像机视频,并将视频编码后保存本地文件或者发送到远端流媒体服务经常会出现 类似real-time buffer [USB2.0 Camera] [video input] too full or near too full (101% of size: 30412) 这样的错误,其根本 原因是编码的速度太慢导致过多的图片数据保存在缓存内,缓存区空间太小或满...
1.推流时遇到红色丢帧警告 real-time buffer [video input] too full or near too full (101% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped! 2.拉流保存时报错:At least one output file must be specified 更多使用说明 下载安装 FFmpeg下载官网:https://ffmpeg.org/ ,这里提供了官网下载的win...
线上一台Linux服务器最近经常磁盘根分区满告警, 但不是普通的日志文件或数据文件过多过大,现象如下...
OK 这样我们是成功检测设备可用了,我们可以添加各类视频参数来控制视频质量,同时我们尤其要注意实时缓冲区溢出问题:[dshow @ 0000027c24e27a00] real-time buffer [XiaoMi WebCam] [video input] too full or near too full (121% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped!
1.推流时遇到红色丢帧警告 real-time buffer [video input] too full or near too full (101% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped! 原因:编码太慢或者编码缓存区过小,解决方法: 降低推流质量,减小待推流视频的分辨率、帧率等,以上述的 ...
利用ffmpeg 获取USB 或者本地摄像机视频,并将视频编码后保存本地文件或者发送到远端流媒体服务经常会出现类似real-time buffer [USB2.0 Camera] [video input] too full or near too full (101% of size: 30412) 这样的错误,其根本原因是编码的速度太慢导致过多的图片数据保存在缓存内,缓存区空间太小或满了就...
real real-time buffer [screen-capture-recorder] [video input] too full or near too full (340% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize parameter])! frame dropped! 3) 在里面进行读取avformat_find_stream_info(acformatCon, 0);奔溃 2、录屏+SDL显示 2.1、整体流程 1、首先ffmpeg的gdigrab/dshow解封装器对de...
## real-time buffer [video input] too full or near too full frame dropped! # -i video="Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK.2":audio="Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK.2 Audio" 指定采集输入音、视频设备 # -threads 4 指定线程数,影响cpu最高使用率 ...
“screen-capture-recorder” -f dshow -i audio=“virtual-audio-capturer” -r 20 -vcodec libx264 -acodec libmp3lame ffmpeg01.mp4,会有[dshow @ 000002890a0efe80] real-time buffer [screen-capture-recorder] [video input] too full or near too full (545% of size: 3041280 [rtbufsize ...
frame= 38 fps=30.0 q=0.0 size= 1665kB time=00:00:01.23 bitrate= 2315.6kbits/s This message means the stream at this point in time is live and working correctly. real-time buffer [vMix Video] [video input] too full or near too full ...