关于你提出的“ffmpeg 10 bit encode not supported”问题,我将从以下几个方面进行解答: 确认ffmpeg版本是否支持10 bit编码: FFmpeg的不同版本对10 bit编码的支持情况可能有所不同。你可以通过运行ffmpeg -codecs命令来查看当前FFmpeg版本支持的编码器及其特性,包括是否支持10 bit编码。不过,该命令可能不会直接显示...
但是这么做在原视频10bit hevc情况下其实也可能会有问题,最常见的报错是10 bit encode not supported,这里并不是说我们的编码器不支持,其实是因为h264/265支持的一些色彩空间是和NVENC冲突的,此时可以考虑使用YUV420: ffmpeg -hwaccel cuda -i "input.mkv" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v h264_nvenc -b:v 2500k...
然而却报错如下: h264_nvenc @ 0x561b32038320] 10 bit encode not supported 网上搜到的解决办法是加上参数-pix_fmt yuv420p或-vf format=yuv420p,即如下便可正常运行 ffmpeg -i test.mkv -vcodec h264_nvenc -pix_fmt yuv420p-b:v 1000k -r 25 -acodec aac-b:a 128k -strict -2 xx.mp4 不...
While decoding 10 bit video is supported, it is not possible to do full hardware transcoding currently (See the partial hardware example below). Sample decode using CUVID, the cuvid decoder copies the frames to system memory in this case: 1 ffmpeg -c:v h264_cuvid -i input output.mkv Fu...
Enable MediaFound.: False (not supported on target platform) Enable NVENC: True Enable NVDEC: False Enable QSV: True Enable VCE: True Enable libdovi: True --- /usr/bin/gmake -C ./contrib/nvenc/nv-codec-headers- clean gmake[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1...
While decoding 10 bit video is supported, it is not possible to do full hardware transcoding currently (See the partial hardware example below). Sample decode using CUVID, the cuvid decoder copies the frames to system memory in this case: ...
While decoding 10 bit video is supported, it is not possible to do full hardware transcoding currently (See the partial hardware example below). Sample decode using CUVID, the cuvid decoder copies the frames to system memory in this case: ...
FFmpeg is one of the most popular, free, and open-source multimedia tools to encode, decode, and convert media files. This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to install FFmpeg on Windows, add FFmpeg to the Windows path, and verify FFmpeg installation. Even if you are a beginner, the ...
NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or ...