Fetch操作本质上是从查询结果集中提取数据的行为。执行一个 SQL 查询后,数据库通常不会一次性将结果集传递到客户端,而是分批、逐行或通过某些策略加载数据到客户端。这种分批的提取方式是为了解决结果集过大导致的内存占用问题。 例如,当一个查询返回百万级记录时,将所有数据一次性加载到内存是不现实的。此时,fetch机...
Fetch操作本质上是从查询结果集中提取数据的行为。执行一个 SQL 查询后,数据库通常不会一次性将结果集传递到客户端,而是分批、逐行或通过某些策略加载数据到客户端。这种分批的提取方式是为了解决结果集过大导致的内存占用问题。 例如,当一个查询返回百万级记录时,将所有数据一次性加载到内存是不现实的。此时,fetch机...
當SQLFetch傳回SQL_ERROR或SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO時,可以使用SQL_HANDLE_STMT的 HandleType 和StatementHandle的HandleType呼叫SQLGetDiagRec 函式來取得相關聯的 SQLSTATE 值。 下表列出 SQLFetch通常傳回的 SQLSTATE 值,並說明此函式內容中的每個值;表示法 “(DM)” 在驅動程式管理員傳回的 SQLSTATE 描述之前。
If youFETCHpast the last row in the result set, the values of the target fields or variables are indeterminate and the%NOTFOUNDattribute returnsTRUE. PL/SQL makes sure the return type of a cursor variable is compatible with theINTOclause of theFETCHstatement. For each column value returned by...
The C type was an exact or approximate numeric, a datetime, or an interval data type; the SQL type of the column was a character data type; and the value in the column was not a valid literal of the bound C type. 24000Invalid cursor stateTheStatementHandlewas in an executed state but...
StatementHandle [Input] Statement handle.FetchOrientation [Input]Type of fetch:SQL_FETCH_NEXTSQL_FETCH_PRIORSQL_FETCH_FIRSTSQL_FETCH_LASTSQL_FETCH_ABSOLUTESQL_FETCH_RELATIVESQL_FETCH_BOOKMARKFor more information, see "Positioning the Cursor" in the "Comments" section.FetchOffset [Input]...
The SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE statement attribute specifies the number of rows in the rowset. If the rowset being fetched bySQLFetch()overlaps the end of the result set,SQLFetch()returns a partial rowset. That is, if S + R-1 is greater than L, where S is the starting row of the ...
The last row found is the result of the SQL statement. This description refers to the logic and not the flow of the statement. If abs_x is larger than the number of rows in the result table, the message 100 - Row not found is output. POS Regardless of whether an ORDER clause is ...
The last row found is the result of the SQL statement. This description refers to the logic and not the flow of the statement. If abs_x is larger than the number of rows in the result table, the message 100 – ROW NOT FOUND is output....