NotationMeaning Before startThe block cursor is positioned before the start of the result set. If the first row of the new rowset is before the start of the result set,SQLFetchreturns SQL_NO_DATA. After endThe block cursor is positioned after the end of the result set. If the first row...
FetchOrientationMeaning SQL_FETCH_NEXTReturn the next rowset. This is equivalent to callingSQLFetch. SQLFetchScrollignores the value ofFetchOffset. SQL_FETCH_PRIORReturn the prior rowset. SQLFetchScrollignores the value ofFetchOffset. SQL_FETCH_RELATIVEReturn the rowsetFetchOffsetfrom the start of ...
NotationMeaning Before startThe block cursor is positioned before the start of the result set. If the first row of the new rowset is before the start of the result set,SQLFetchreturns SQL_NO_DATA. After endThe block cursor is positioned after the end of the result set. If the first row...
NotationMeaning Before start The block cursor is positioned before the start of the result set. If the first row of the new rowset is before the start of the result set, SQLFetch returns SQL_NO_DATA. After end The block cursor is positioned after the end of the result set. If the fir...
It defaults to 0, meaning the query will skip no rows. If the row_to_skip is higher than the number of rows in the table, the query will return no rows. Second, provide the number of rows to retrieve (row_count) in the FETCH clause. The row_count must be an integer 1 or ...
Finally, as of version 8.4, Postgres supports Window Function meaning you can write something as simple and efficient as: Query #3 -- use Window Functions -- performs a SINGLE scan of the table SELECT DISTINCT ON (usr_id) last_value(time_stamp) OVER wnd, last_value(liv...
AMYSQL_ROWstructure for the next row, orNULL. The meaning of aNULLreturn depends on which function was called precedingmysql_fetch_row(): When used aftermysql_store_result()ormysql_store_result_nonblocking(),mysql_fetch_row()returnsNULLif there are no more rows to retrieve. ...
The MySQL link being set as an argument is NULL when no link is supplied meaning that you're passing NULL to the mysql funcctions as a link, which is wrong. I am not using multitple connections so I removed the link and using the global link. If you want to support multiple links...
The meaning of all and not all link types is the opposite of what the names might imply, and they are typically used with inverted filters: A link entity of type not all is equivalent to any and returns parent records that have link entity records matching the filters. A link entity of...
The meaning of all and not all link types is the opposite of what the names might imply, and they are typically used with inverted filters: A link entity of type not all is equivalent to any and returns parent records that have link entity records matching the filters. A link entity of...