Just over 30 km west of Fergana lies a small town calledChimion. It is home to a sanatorium of the same name, famous throughout Uzbekistan as a balneological resort. Sulfur baths here help treat ailments related to gynecology, urology, the nervous system, and respiratory organs. Located 50 ...
乌兹别克斯坦-费尔干纳机场(Fergana International Airport)三字代码 机场三字代码 FEGICAO UTKF 机场名 费尔干纳机场 / Fergana International Airport城市 费尔干纳 / Fergana 区域 / 国家 乌兹别克斯坦 / Uzbekistan 时区 05:00洲 Asia 海关机场 是 银行信息 Closed on Saturday and Sunday.首页 运价 联系 我的...
所属国家:乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan 所属城市:费尔干纳 Fergana 区域: 时区:05:00 洲:Asia 海关机场:是 银行信息:Closed on Saturday and Sunday. 清关要求: 费尔干纳机场介绍: 费尔干纳机场(FEG)地理位置 © 2025 Baidu - GS(2023)3206号 - 甲测资字11111342 - 京ICP证030173号 - Data © 百度智图 &Open...
Location: Fergana, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude40.49136° or 40° 29' 29" north Longitude70.91729° or 70° 55' 2" east Open Location Code8JGGFWR8+GW OpenStreetMap IDway 922525269 OpenStreetMap Featurelanduse=residential OpenStreet...
Overall, Tantana Hotel in Fergana, Uzbekistan has received exceptional customer ratings across various categories. With outstanding value, top-notch facilities, impeccable cleanliness, a prime location, and exceptional staff performance, this hotel is a fantastic choice for travelers seeking a memorable ...
Uzbekistan, Asia On arrival in the Fergana Valley many visitors wonder where the valley is. From this broad (22,000 sq km), flat bowl, the surrounding mountain ranges (Tian Shan to the north and the Pamir Alay to the south) seem to stand back at enormous distances – when you can see...
机场三字代码 FEGICAO UTKF 机场名 费尔干纳机场 / Fergana International Airport城市 费尔干纳 / Fergana 区域 / 国家 乌兹别克斯坦 / Uzbekistan 时区 05:00洲 Asia 海关机场 是 银行信息 Closed on Saturday and Sunday.99% 海空运服务覆盖全球近1200个城市 16年 16年海空运行业经验,提供门到门一站式服务 ...
Dangʻara is an urban-type settlement in Fergana Region, Uzbekistan. Dangʻara is situated 3 km northwest of Гыштхана.Uchkoʻprik Town Uchkoʻprik is an urban-type settlement in Fergana Region, Uzbekistan. Uchkoʻprik is situated 10 km east of Гыштхана.Г...
The city of Fergana, in the south of the Fergana Valley is one of the youngest cities in Uzbekistan. It was founded in 1876, after Kokand Khanate had been included in the Russian Empire. A new town, named as New Margilan was built at a distance of 12 kil
Type: Town Description: human settlement in Uzbekistan Categories: human settlement and locality Location: Fergana, Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Asia View on OpenStreetMapLatitude40.54562° or 40° 32' 44" north Longitude71.05593° or 71° 3' 21" east Elevation414 metres (1,358 feet) Also...