The first part of the research presents the results of studying the dynamics of changes in weather and climatic conditions in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Fergana Valley in particular, during the period of 2005–2021 by means of collecting and processing climatic data obtained...
Holocene climate variations in the Altai Mountains and the surrounding areas: A synthesis of pollen records. Earth-Sci. Rev. 185, 847-869 [190] Zhang, J., Zhou, X., Long, H., 2020. Late Quaternary loess accumulation at the Rudak section in Uzbekistan, central Asia: Chronology and ...
Structure and evolution of the Bukhara-Khiva region during the Mesozoic: the northern margin of the Amu-Darya Basin (southern Uzbekistan) Geol. Soc. Lond. Spec. Publ., 427 (2017) SP427–16 Google Scholar Morin et al., 2018 J. Morin, M. Jolivet, C. Robin, G. Heilbronn, L. Barrier,...
Rakhimov, E. Yu.Fergana Polytechnical Institute, Ferghana, UzbekistanAvezova, N. R.Fergana Polytechnical Institute, Ferghana, UzbekistanEmamgholizadeh, SamadShahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, IranZiaii, MansourShahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran...
This study is carried out in the Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. Regional climate data obtained from Climwat 2.0 software are processed in Cropwat 8.0 software. Crops that are both the source of livelihood of the people of the region and that can be used in this study have been determined. ...
Located in the Aral Sea Basin, Uzbekistan suffers from environmental problems related to soil salinization and water scarcity. The arid climate requires that cultivated crops be intensively irrigated. Under conditions of limited resources, crop production must be maintained at expense of minimum inputs ...
The article describes the methodology of the experimental analysis of operational and cost-effective assessment using geographic information system (GIS) technologies, as opposed to the assessment of the tourism potential of the nature of the Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan using long-term and costly ...
We evaluated changes in the deficit of irrigation water in the Fergana Valley of Central Asia under different scenarios of climate change and water management. The Fergana Valley is located within the Syr Darya River basin and is shared by Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. We estimated the ...
This article investigates water productivity and economic returns to two varieties of potato crop under four different soil-moisture regimes in Uzbekistan. Results suggest that deficit irrigation may not be considered as an option to improve water productivity of potato crop, particularly when the ...
Fergana, oblast (province) eastern Uzbekistan, in the southwestern Fergana valley. The climate is continental with hot summers and moderately cold winters. The south is irrigated by streams descending from the Alay Mountains and by the Great (Bolshoy) Fe