Innovative laser systems tailored by our experts to advance your research! With more than 20 years of experience in femtosecond fiber laser technology and fiber laser design, TOPTICA offers innovative and custom-tailored laser systems that enable cutting-edge research in the field of quantum technolo...
The interest of the Femtosecond laser is its ability to cut parallel and regular corneal surfaces with great precision. The most common example we have is its routine use for lasik flaps for which the standard thickness is around 100m. The difficulty of deep cuts with the Femtolaser gave ...
Cutting and drilling of hard material, glass, sapphire, ceramics� Cold machining of polymers and composites Micromachining and surface structuring Specifications: Dimension: FSC1040 Pico and Femto Second Laser The FSC1040 laser system is available in two versions, delivering either 500 mW up...
Laser system is automated with micromachining software SCA. This software is an essential part of the laser system and is not sold separately. Applications examples Glass Spacers Sapphire cutting 0.325 mm thickness. Top view Tempered glass cutting ...
• FPC Cutting Features: • Average Power 100W • Pulse Duration ~300fs-6ps(200fs Optional) • Peak Power 400MW • Repetition Rate 25kHz-5000kHz • Pulse Energy 200uJ • Burst Mode Function Data Sheet: FemtoYL-IR-100 EN.pdf...
英语翻译Femtosecond Laser for Cold Laser Cutting and AblationThe industrial grade femtosecond laser StarFemto is suitable for most precise laser cutting and laser ablation of sensitive materials with almost no thermal input."Cold" laser cutting a
The FemtoBlade laser employs a modular design that provides increased flexibility and high power at high repetition rates which will enable faster processing and improved throughput for micromachining applications, including OLED, PCB, ceramic and glass cutting, engraving, and solar cell processing. The...
The laser can create six or even more spots in the lens or cornea at the same time, cutting the eye tissue up to 20 times faster than current femtosecond lasers. What does this mean in eye surgery? In cataract surgery, the Femtomatrix laser can cut a human cataractous lens into 20,000...
With cutting-edge hardware designs that include intelligent transport gas control, auto sample height adjustment, high resolution 3D sample stages, innovative sample cells, and LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) add-on capability, the J200 Femto iX is the most innovative femtosecond LA ...