Laser-Femto 0.5 mJ飞秒光纤激光器 在精密制造与微加工领域,技术的每一次革新都意味着生产力的飞跃。今天,我们为您介绍一款来自美国Laser-Femto, Inc.的尖端产品——0.5 mJ飞秒光纤激光器,它不仅代表了当前激光技术的巅峰之作,更是钢材打孔与微加工领域的得力助手。这款激光器以其卓越的性能和稳定的输出,成...
今天,我们为您介绍一款来自美国Laser-Femto, Inc.的尖端产品——0.5 mJ飞秒光纤激光器,它不仅代表了当前激光技术的巅峰之作,更是钢材打孔与微加工领域的得力助手。 这款激光器以其卓越的性能和稳定的输出,成为众多工业应用中的佼佼者。高达50W的平均功率,配合100至500微焦耳的脉冲能量,确保了即使在处理高硬度材料如...
The calculator application features a minimal amount of data entry to generate a femtocataract astigmatism treatment plan. This software is compatible with iOS devices and results can be viewed onscreen. Results can also be printed for placement in the patient’s chart. To begin using the Calculat...
, April 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Lumentum Holdings Inc. ("Lumentum"), a market-leading designer and manufacturer of commercial and industrial laser systems, announced today it has added a new femtosecond laser system to its portfolio of high-precision ultrafast industrial lasers—the FemtoBlade...
Applied Spectra Inc.’s J200 LA instrument was interfaced with an ICP-MS to establish figures of merit. NIST glass SRMs (trace elements in glass) were analyzed to determine the absolute mass that can be detected and to determine limits of detection (LODs). Request a copy today Applied Spe...
Femtolite FX-100i Laser - IMRA America, Inc.About Us
在精密制造与微加工领域,技术的每一次革新都意味着生产力的飞跃。今天,我们为您介绍一款来自美国Laser-Femto, Inc.的尖端产品——0.5 mJ飞秒光纤激光器,它不仅代表了当前激光技术的巅峰之作,更是钢材打孔与微加工领域的得力助手。 这款激光器以其卓越的性能和稳定的输出,成为众多工业应用中的佼佼者。高达50W的平均...
and the PASCAL® Dynamic Contour Tonometer. Ziemer USA, Inc. is a fully owned subsidiary of Ziemer Group. It markets all Ziemer Group products in the USA. The FEMTO LDV™ has been engineered and is manufactured by SIE AG, a Ziemer Group Company, and is marketed and distributed ...
. Slack Books, Inc, Thorofare, New Jersey (2009), 304,, $109.95. ISBN ... Drs Gologorsky and Rosen have created a beautifully illustrated, high yield text that ought to become a standard reference for the field of ophthalmology. Offering a concise and comprehensive ...
(Academic Press Inc, Amsterdam, 2006) 10. R. Trebino, Frequency-resolved optical gatingt: the measurement of ultrashort laser pulses, 1st edn. (Springer, New York, 2002) 11. M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, T. Baumert, Femtosecond laser pulses: linear properties, manipulation, generation and ...