Challenging the Stereotype: The Femme Fatale in Fin-de-Siècle Art and Early Cinema. In: Hanson, H., O’Rawe, C. (eds) The Femme Fatale: Images, Histories, Contexts. Palgrave Macmillan, London. Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi....
Thompson, Z.B. (2013). Male Fantasy, Sexual Exploitation, and theFemme Fatale: Reframing Scripts of Power and Gender in Neo-noirNovels by Sara Paretsky, Megan Abbott and Stieg Larsson. In: Åström, B., Gregersdotter, K., Horeck, T. (eds) Rape in Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy...
These destructive women bring about the protagonist's fall which is a prelude to his spiritual odyssey. The grace of redemptive suffering shines on Malamud's protagonists only after their fall caused by the femme fatale. Besides serving the thematic structure and designs, they also serve to ...
Thompson, Z.B. (2013). Male Fantasy, Sexual Exploitation, and theFemme Fatale: Reframing Scripts of Power and Gender in Neo-noirNovels by Sara Paretsky, Megan Abbott and Stieg Larsson. In: Åström, B., Gregersdotter, K., Horeck, T. (eds) Rape in Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy...
MuseTurned“FemmeFatale"inD.G.Rossetti’s PaintingandPoetry PrithaKundu JuniorResearchFellow,Calcutta,India a L15HIN6 InmanyofDG.Rossetti’spaintings,ElizabethSiddalappearsasamode1 .Inreallife,theyformedamarried couple,andtherelatonshipwasnotasidealisticasitmighthavebeen ...
"Sakharam Binder" depicts the story of Sakharam a drunken lout, who shelters women isolated by their husbands and tame them by making a „housewife‟ out of them without marriage. After giving shelter to Laxmi he confesses before his close friend Dawood-"It‟s a good thing I‟m not...
AnnKathrin Deininger
Heather L. Braun
Viewpoint should be submitted to one of the editors-in-chief, Chandler Davis and Marjorie Senechal.doi:10.1007/s00283-011-9268-6Katharine MerowMathematical IntelligencerKatharine Merrow, "Math is My Femme Fatale," The Mathematical Intelligencer, 34, 1, pp 42-43, 2012....
(2009). “Well, aren’t we ambitious”: Desire, Domesticity, and the “Femme Fatale,” or “You’ve made up your mind I’m guilty”: The Long Reach of Misreadings of Woman as Wicked in American Film Noir. In: Rethinking the Femme Fatale in Film Noir. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ...