The meaning of FEMME FATALE is a seductive woman who lures men into dangerous or compromising situations.
A dangerously beautiful woman, particularly one who is a fictional character, can be called a femme fatale. A femme fatale usually means trouble for the men who fall for her seductive ways.Use the noun femme fatale to describe the character in your mystery novel who uses her mysterious beauty...
Femme fatale的中文意思是“致命女人”,也可译为”蛇蝎美女“。常指凭借性感、美色诱惑男性以达到自身目的的女子。而接受诱惑的后果对男人而言,往往是…致命的。femme fatale来自法语,原意为:fatal woman。除了以美色引诱男性,femme fatale也常使用谎言(lies)、胁迫(coercion)等手段逼对方就范。 由于femme fatale这个词...