1.A female organism. 2.A woman or girl. [Middle English, alteration (influenced bymale,male) offemelle, from Old French, from Latinfēmella, diminutive offēmina,woman; seedhē(i)-in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] fe′male′nessn. ...
The term xenobiotic is used throughout this chapter; it is defined as a pharmacological, endocrinological, or toxicological active substance not endogenously produced and therefore foreign to an organism. Because the features of reproduction differ from other areas of health function, an altern...
It is generally agreed that in higher plants dioecism has arisen from a condition in which both sexes are present in the same organism (Westergaard, 1958). A possible scheme for the evolution of dioecism with differentiated sex chromosomes from monoecious (or hermaphrodite) ancestors has been ...
The selection of suitable mates from a pool of potential candidates is one of the most important choices a female rodent has to make. It influences Darwinian fitness directly via the number of offspring produced but also by its viability, fertility, and
Birds have significantly lower mtDNA diversity than mammals, which cannot be explained by differences in mutation rate or species Ne (ref. 40). Complete linkage disequilibrium between mtDNA and the W chromosome, for which we find support in a phylogenetic analysis, should reinforce HRI that is ...
treated,and the emphasis on materiality is further affirmed by the powerful organic andvital role played by thechilo, chyle. This substance, also referred to by the authorasjugo blanco, white juice, participates in the vital energy of the organism,sangreblanca, white blood, with its nutritive ...
The female locust is equipped with unique digging tools, namely two pairs of valves—a dorsal and a ventral—utilized for excavating an underground hole in which she lays her eggs. This apparatus ensures that the eggs are protected from potential predato
ined for trichomonads. Trichomoniasis was diagnosed by microscopic visualization (magnification 400 ) of the organism on wet preparations. Criteria for performing tests and for interpreting the results were in accordance with the manufacturers’相关...
As such, juvenile exposure to FLX may leave the organism in need of future pharmacological intervention to ameliorate these unwanted effects later in life, given that SSRIs are commonly prescribed for the management of anxiety. For this reason, we also evaluated whether FLX re-exposure in ...
In analogy with the definition of “genotype” in the Medical Dictionary, “physiotype” is denoted as the way of physiological functioning of a cell, an organism or an individual, usually with reference to a specific function under consideration. In the context of this paper, this function is...