Chii42905 over a year ago You may think I'm stupid but I'm 15 and a girl who has no idea what an organism or anything else below the Pelvis is. Up untill a few weeks ago I did not care about any of this junk but then all my friends kept going on about it so yeah. Now I...
A chromosome is a long deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule that comprises part or more of an organism's genetic material. Most eukaryotic chromosomes contain histones, which, with the assistance of chaperone proteins, bind to and condense the deoxyribonucleic acid molecule to keep it intact. These...
What is the term for a developing organism up until eight weeks? Identify the term from the following definition: The conceptus from two weeks to eight weeks of development after fertilization. What are the different components of male sexual behavior?
For this to be possible, both the male and female gametes must possess half as much genetic material as the rest of the cells of the organism. Therefore the spermatozoon is known as ahaploid cell. Haploid cells have half the chromosomes (one of each pair), and in humans this is 23 chro...
I Had Sex on a Paddle Board I Went on a Naked First Date I Finally Had My Dream MMF Threesome I Hate-Fucked My Bartender I Was the Caboose in a Dick-Sucking Train A Guy Wore My Underwear During Sex 25 Tips and Tricks on How to Get Wet During Sex ...
The risk of getting this infection is more in women who have multiple partners or get oral sex. Symptoms include grey or whitish colored discharge immediately after sex with fish odor or increased odor. Trichomoniasis. A single celled protozoan organism called Trichomoniasis causes this sexually ...
I have a friend who is a proponent of polyamory. She and her boyfriend broke up after dating for two years because he couldn't cope with that lifestyle -- for her or for himself. She made friends with a woman who was also into that lifestyle and the boyfriend agreed to try allowing...
For example, in the United Kingdom alone, it is estimated that 1 woman in 3 will have a UTI before the age of 24. And that half of all women will have at least one UTI during their lifetime. It is a worldwide problem, says professor Chris Thomas, an expert in bacteria at the ...
they can develop neurological symptoms. It is especially damaging for developing fetuses and young infants, who have rapidly growing nervous systems. Neurological impairments can develop because of exposure to methylmercury in the diet or through the placenta, in the case of a fetus. These are irrev...