teenage time and young adulthood have been popping up off late and it is tough; mostly, dark experiences which then feel so overwhelmingly real in the here and now that it is baffling. I assume it is a side effect of quitting drinking and not having tasks on hand which propel my thoughts...
If this were a real 'quitting' rather than 'fired', he may appear to be unprofessional to some because he quits in the middle but an actor quitting in the middle means that there must be a big enough reason. Breaking a contract is not an easy issue for an actor( big money is often...
The next 2 days I battled the darkness like I battled quitting drinking in the first days; actually using willpower to stop negative thinking and pull it out by its roots. Again and again I find that if I do that, I feel better. Yeah: “duh?!” but ah, difficult when depression has...