Loschel, 2014. The Impact of a Feed-In Tariff on Wind Power Development in Germany. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-035. Centre for European Economic Research. May 23. 32pp. http://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/dp/dp14035.pdf [accessed May 14, 2015]....
The feed-in tariff scheme in the United Kingdom ran between 2010 and 2019 for renewable energies. The cumulative capacity of wind power installments for tariffs between 100 and 500 kilowatts totaled 350,513 kilowatts by the end of the feed-in tariff scheme. ...
R. and Matulka, Ryan. "Best practices for implementing a feed-in tariff program", Los Angeles Business Council, December 2009. accessed November 27, 2015. http://innovation.luskin.ucla.edu/sites/default/files/Best%20Practices%20for%20Implementing% 20a%20Feed%20in%20Tariff%20Program.pdf...
feed-in tariffelectricity transmissionWe estimate the impact of a feed-in tariff for renewable power on wind power investment in Germany at the county level from 1996-2010 controlling for windinessHitaj, ClaudiaSchymura, MichaelLschel, Andreas...
In recent years, European countries increasingly combined feed-in tariffs for small renewables systems with tenders for large installations. This study develops an analytic framework to quantify deployment effectiveness of responsive feed-in tariff adjustment mechanisms across project scales and to compare ...
*For PV installations with power capacity included between three and nine kilowatts, bonus for self-consumption and bonus IAB excluded. ** Tariff as above + average of cases A and B. Citation formats Citation formats View options Other statistics on the topicSolar PV energy in France ...
This paper seeks to evaluate the effect of the upcoming 2010 UK Feed-in Tariff (UK FIT) on decentralised small wind-energy installations at the household and building level in urban locations. It is projected that the UK FIT will stimulate an unprecedented surge in building-mounted turbine insta...
The theoretical tool captures tariff amount, contract duration, electricity price, system lifetime, price uncertainty, generation cost, discount rate, and an alternative investment option. In a fixed effects model, I regress technology-specific generation on the resulting covariate. Using a sample of ...
Feed-through header, nominal cross section: 2.5 mm2, color: green, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage (III/2): 320 V, contact surface: Sn, contact connection type: Pin, number of potentials: 8, number of rows: 1, number of positions: 8, numb