求翻译:feed-in tariff system是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 feed-in tariff system问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 上网电价制度 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 送进关税系统 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 送进关税系统 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 饲料中关税制度 匿名 ...
The central element of feed-in tariff policies is a guaranteed payment over a period of about 20 years, which covers the high generation costs of renewable electricity. (Mendonca et al., 2010) Thus these technologies, under market conditions usually too expensive to be competitive, become much ...
Marine renewable energy (MRE) is yet to be included in the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) system in Malaysia. However, the country is surrounded by the Straits of Malacca and South China Sea, making it suitable to harness energy in the water. Financial supports from the government are essential in ...
Feed In Tariff What is a Feed In Tariff? On 1st April 2010 the Government introduced the Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) to encourage new investment in low carbon green technologies such as Solar PV, Wind Turbines, Hydro Generators and Anaerobic Digestion (AD) units. Under the FITs, anyone who ...
In Tariff System in Spain. Energy Policy, 35(2), 994-1012. Abstract: "Given the relative socioeconomic and environmental benefits linked to the deployment of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E), its public promotion has been a priority on the agendas of governments in virtually ...
FeedInTariff WhatisaFeedInTariff? On1stApril2010theGovernmentintroducedtheFeed-inTariffs(FITs)toencouragenewinvestmentinlow carbongreentechnologiessuchasSolarPV,WindTurbines,HydroGeneratorsandAnaerobicDigestion(AD) units. UndertheFITs,anyonewhoinstallsaneligibleSolarPVsystemwillreceiveaguaranteedfixedpaymentforall ...
Toward this end we analyzed the evolution of the German feed-in tariff (FIT) system for solar photovoltaic power, a highly effective and widely copied policy instrument targeted at fostering the diffusion and development of renewable energy technologies. We find that the policy has been subject to...
The German minister of energy, agriculture, and environment admitted that although this feed-in tariff mechanism has contributed to promoting wind energy, it distorted the incentives system in the German energy sector, leading to a significant delay in the transition to a low-carbon society [161]...
but this process will take a very long time to come to an agreement. The feed-in tariff had fundamental weaknesses in terms of selecting the winning bidder. This can lead to subjectivity that is not transparent. The feed-in tariff system also has the possibility to get a lower rate tariff...
In contrast to ongoing cautious and gloomy economic forecasting in the national economy, the growth in micro-generation capacity has been 400% since the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) was launched in April last year. Solar PV has led the way with an increase of 900% and wind and hydro have double...