FedEx节假日安排 查找全球各地的节假日取件和递送信息。 请注意: 仅限FedEx Express 一个国家/地区的当地或区域性假日也可能会影响托运时间。 有关最新的假日信息,请联系您所在国家/地区当地的FedEx客户服务部。关于我们 关于FedEx 亚太地区新闻 投资者关系 职业指南 标准运输条件 更多FedEx信息 注册eNe...
For most, holidays are the most active time of the year for small parcel shippers. Even with a large staff, it is easy for a company to ignore shipping costs to keep customers happy. Therefore, the FedEx Holiday Schedule should be available to all customer service and shipping staff. Let’...
While the holiday season seems to start earlier every year, gifts always need to be delivered by the 25th. The peak season holiday shipping rush is around the corner. Depending on the carrier you choose and which service you select, you may need to ship out orders much sooner. We’ve cre...
While the holiday season seems to start earlier every year, gifts always need to be delivered by the 25th. The peak season holiday shipping rush is around the corner. Depending on the carrier you choose and which service you select, you may need to ship out orders much sooner...